Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] Call for papers - Media & Journalism issue on Advertising: theories, methods and practice

Fri Mar 16 07:55:56 GMT 2018

Call for papers - Media & Journalism issue on Advertising: theories, methods and practices Guest Editor:Ivone Ferreira <>(ICNOVA /Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - NOVA FCSH <>)
Submission deadline: 30th June 2018

The financial limitations of companies hamper spending on exorbitant campaigns and rental of space in the media, which is highly saturated with (dis) information, seems to confer an Opportunity for advertising to reinvent itself either in terms of its strategies concerning the choice of channels of communication or in terms of the configuration of devices that inaugurate a new way of consumer participation, implementing strategies that demonstrate greater (cost) efficiency and effectiveness.

Among the loss of credibility of the mass media discourse, the awareness of the artificial – inasmuch as commercial – character of advertising and the upsurge of instruments and channels available to users, its apparent bipolarity emerges, as in depressive periods it seems to be integrated in (marketing) communication strategies and in “histrionic” cycles it appears to be avant-garde and civic, while transfiguring itself in discourses that call for the end of stereotypes and for more egalitarian and democratic configuration of the society.

In this context, it is important to:

// Give an epistemological framework to a discipline that is articulated between the Habermasian publicity and advertising, yet not exhausted in these dualities; // Reflect on publicity that is being taught and practiced currently, examining it from the perspective of the academy, that of agencies, customers, the media and of speech. // Analyse the links between advertising and arts, in its twofold nature as contemplative and instrumental, especially in the strategies promoting territories presented in street art; // Understand the strategies of audience participation, calling for engagement and co-creation by inaugurating new forms (such as flash-mobs, happenings and advergames) and requiring models of analysis adapted to the most recent typologies of discourse.

Number 34 of Media & Journalism dedicated to Advertising accepts contributions in the scope of theories, models and practices of Advertising, focusing in one or more of the following major topics:

- Advertising theory/theories;
- Teaching advertising in Portugal, Latin American and Anglo-Saxon countries; - Semiotics and methodologies for advertising discourse analysis (media / new media);
- Advertising setting up and strategies;
- New skills and profiles of professionals and / or consumers;
- Advertising and Media (economy, industry, publics);
- Ethical and legal issues of advertising;
- Gender issues, social and environmental concerns;
- Advertising, propaganda and public space;
- Applied research (case studies);
- Advertising trends and new technological contexts (Big Data, AI, etc.).

The papers should be sent through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.

Conditions for submission and Instructions to authors:…/about/submissions <>

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