Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] Call for Papers - Disertaciones

Fri Mar 16 07:56:10 GMT 2018

*Anuario electrónicode estudios en Comunicación Social "Disertaciones"*

/Articles for Volume 13, Issue 1 (Jan-Jun 2020), on the topic of Technologies and Computational Methods for Research in Social Sciences and Communication/

The emergence of the Internet and the growing use of online tools is opening new challenges for social research. The interpretation of communication in digital environments barely shows its first paths of maturation. This new logic, distanced from the centralized production in mass media, requires a conceptual and procedural rethinking in the access and processing of social data, as a basic input of academic research.

Thanks to the increasing computational capacities, it is possible to consider the analysis of large volumes of data derived from a complex distributed production and registered from various communication devices highly personalized. The ubiquity and cheapening of sensor networks, Big Data and the new data analytics techniques allow us to implement new approaches to generation, preservation and analysis that make it possible to formulate and answer questions in new ways. New forms of data management and techniques are emerging, based on automatic learning and new modes of visualization.

What do these data tell us and why could they help us in the interpretation of social reality? What can we really extract from these enormous data sets (texts, images, audios and their combinations) and what can be the forms of interpretation and analysis? What is the border between quantity and quality of the data? What is the role of algorithms to extract, shape and represent social reality from a digital perspective? How to establish emergent relationships between content and knowledge in large-scale virtual communities, with collective discourses expressed in new contexts and with software and intelligent platforms? The roads, still incipient, give social research a rich panorama to learn in an environment in which language continues to operate as an expression of what is social.

As part of the new challenges, social research is inserted in an interdisciplinary search between different areas of knowledge, in order to enrich methodologies, organizational protocols and analysis in the collection, preservation and classification of data, perspective that we seek to compile in this monographic edition of Disertaciones.

With this new issue of the journal we aim to approach the Social Sciences from the perspective of computer systems as a transdisciplinary area useful for interpreting social reality, supported by traditional disciplines such as social psychology, anthropology, economics, political science and sociology. Among the research experiences, we can highlight network analysis, sentiment analysis and topic modeling.

We seek to summon the different empirical experiences that have covered options to answer conceptual and methodological questions around the collection, preservation, systematization and interpretation of social data derived from digital platforms. Contributions can come from different areas of knowledge, as long as they point to the enrichment of social research, from the inclusion of processing techniques, reflections and results in the interpretation of large volumes of social and cultural data, distributed on digital platforms.

Among the lines of research, we can highlight:

 - Those that gather theoretical perspectives, from classical or emerging approaches, to interpret the logic of digital interaction and its anchoring with social reality, pointing to epistemic (re)definitions derived from social research.

- Those that raise operational and procedural methodologies for access, preservation and visibility of data.

- Those that promote organizational methodologies from systematized procedures with an interdisciplinary perspective.

Qualitative and quantitative studies are accepted, from the variety of approaches associated with different areas of knowledge, linked with communication and social research, among which can be highlighted: psychology, political science, sociology, linguistics, education, and arts. We also welcome perspectives from other areas of knowledge, such as physics, mathematics and engineering, that can enrich this new path in academic research.

-          Deadline: 30/11/2018
-          Guest Editors: Ysabel Briceño-Romero (Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia, (ybriceno /at/ and Luis A. Núñez (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia, (lnunez /at/

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