Archive for calls, 2013

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[ecrea] CFP - The Third FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar on Television Documentary

Thu Nov 07 10:49:16 GMT 2013

FIAT/IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives) Television Studies Commission announces:

The Third FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar on Television Documentary

March 13th and 14th 2014

The FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Commission will organise a two-day seminar, entirely devoted to Television Documentary, hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision at Hilversum.

On the first day 13th March 2014, former and current practitioners will discuss their work in a witness seminar and extracts from their work will be screened.

The second day will be open for presentations of scholarly work on any aspect of television documentary, its history, practice, and aesthetics. Comparative studies are particularly welcome. Scholars are invited to send in their 250-word abstracts and a short biography by December 1st, 2013.

The Seminar language will be English. We are asking participating FIAT/IFTA member archives to provide research facilities and extracts free of charge to candidates whose abstracts are selected.

Initial enquiries should be made to the appropriate member of the Television Studies Commission and completed proposals sent to the same person by 1st December 2013:

The Television Studies Commission members and the areas they are responsible for are:

* For participants from the UK : Steve Bryant, BFI ((steve.bryant /at/
* For participants from France and other French-speaking countries: Claude Mussou, INA ((cmussou /at/ * For Dutch/Flemish speakers: Bert Hogenkamp, Beeld en Geluid ((bhogenkamp /at/
* For US participants: Mike Mashon, Library of Congress ((mima /at/
* For Central and Eastern European participants and members of the European History Television Network: Dana Mustata, University of Groningen ((d.mustata /at/
* For Irish participants: Liam Wylie, RTE ((Liam.Wylie /at/
* For all other potential participants, send your proposals to Andy O’Dwyer: BBC ((andy.odwyer /at/

Seminar registration details will be available at a later date.

Bryony Dixon – pp Steve Bryant Head Curator for Television, BFI National Archive

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