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[ecrea] CfP COMMUNICATION THEORY special issue Questioning Geocultural Boundaries of Communication Theories

Tue Mar 19 20:12:24 GMT 2013

COMMUNICATION THEORY special issue on "Questioning geocultural boundaries of
communication theories: De-Westernization, cosmopolitalism and

Guest editors: Silvio Waisbord and Claudia Mellado
Submission deadline: April 1, 2013


Although Western perspectives have been dominant in the study of
communication, scholars have called for the emancipation of non-Western
theories and new conceptual and theoretical perspectives. Researchers have
shown the importance and vitality of communication theories grounded in
various philosophical conceptions in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This
call should not be understood as an effort to "de-Westernize" communication
studies. On the contrary, the task is to explore whether non-Western
perspectives expand the analysis and challenge central assumptions and

Communication Theory therefore invites authors to submit papers for a future
special issue on "Questioning geocultural boundaries of communication
theories: De-Westernization, cosmopolitalism and globalization."
Contributions could analyze current theoretical developments in
communication studies across the world, revisit epistemological and
historical foundations, examine the integration of Western and non-Western
perspectives in communication studies, the uses of theories of global
comparative research, discuss the relevance of non-Western theories and
models, and successful and failed efforts at theoretical cross-pollination.
Submissions may address but should not be limited to the following

- Amidst the globalization, indigenization, and hybridization of
communication and cultures, what do we mean by non-Western and Western
- What are non-Western communication theories? Are they primarily based on
non-individualistic, communitarian notions of self and universalistic
- What are the commonalities and differences among non-Western theories?
What contributions and differences do they offer?
- How do non-Western theories reframe questions and arguments grounded in
Western theories?
- Is it valid to denominate theories on the basis of geo-cultural origin?
How are essentialist positions reaffirmed? How and by whom or what are they

Manuscripts must be submitted by April 1, 2013, through the online
submission system of Communication Theory. Authors should indicate that they
wish to have their manuscript considered for the special issue. Inquiries
can be sent to Silvio Waisbord ((waisbord /at/ and Claudia Mellado
((claudia.mellado /at/

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