Archive for calls, 2011

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[ecrea] CALL for SUBMISSIONS- Case Studies in Intercultural Communication

Tue Oct 18 10:16:10 GMT 2011

To be edited by=20
Nazan Haydari&  Prue Holmes=20

We invite submissions for an edited volume on the topic of intercultural di=
alogue contracted with Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. The growing interes=
t to the concept of intercultural dialogue highlights recognition of the in=
tercultural character of all dialogue processes as they are embedded in and=
 transcend national, political, economic, cultural, religious and historica=
l contexts. It also acknowledges how closely normative assumptions about di=
alogue are implicated in intercultural communication practices.

The volume aims to make a contribution to the field through the diversity o=
f conceptual and methodological approaches, inclusion of various cultures, =
contexts and examples, and through the contribution of a diverse number of =
authors. It draws on cases of intercultural communication in which there is=
 dialogue, conflict or misunderstanding, and presents approaches, theories,=
 and analytical tools that can be used to productively understand and/or re=
solve the issues presented in the particular examples. The collection appro=
aches case studies as both a way to theorize intercultural dialogue, and as=
 a teaching/learning tool. By defining the concept of "case=E2=80=9D more b=
roadly as a real life situation=E2=80=94from a well-defined situation takin=
g place at a certain time and place (e.g. conversations, meetings, classroo=
m settings) to series of events, forms of representation, or organizational=
 structures=E2=80=94the collection aims to cover a range of examples from d=
ifferent cultural contexts. The case studies are structured around the idea=
 that intercultural dialogue is an important component of everyday life, an=
d which is practiced at various levels=E2=80=94from interpersonal communica=
tion to media, education, business settings, legal work, action in civil so=
ciety, and national policy construction, etc. The cases are expected to dem=
onstrate the complexity in the dynamics of intercultural communication, cul=
ture, everyday, and identity, and emphasize the building of dialogue at ind=
ividual, interpersonal, group, and institutional levels.
Submissions may address a broad range of issues, including class struggles,=
 international journalism, artistic expressions, interpersonal and workplac=
e conflict, media, education, migration, new media technologies, NGOs worki=
ng on conflict resolution or in conflict-torn areas, popular culture, race =
and ethnicity, sexuality, religious diversity, social movements, transnatio=
nal feminist practices, youth cultures, and war.=20

Please send an extended abstract of 1000 words by November 21st to both naz=
(an.haydari /at/ and (p.m.holmes /at/ . Selected abstracts will =
be notified by November 30th and full papers (of 5000 words including notes=
 and references) will be due 15th of March 2012.  =20

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