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[ecrea] symposium on arab and muslim media research

Thu Sep 08 15:05:35 GMT 2011



Date:  Saturday 12th November 2011
Venue: Lecture Theatre K2.31 (2C) King’s College, University of London
       The Strand Campus, London WC2R 2LS


The Centre for Arab&  Muslim Media Research (CAMMRO) has been a pioneer in
organising doctoral symposia for researchers in Arab and Muslim media and
their audiences. The previous events organised at King’s College, and
Goldsmiths, University of London made great success and attracted a large
number of researchers and academics.

The scope of the 5th annual symposium will address media, communication
and culture in not only the Arab World but in various other Muslim
countries from Africa and Asia. The event also covers research on
diasporic and minority media such as satellite TV, radio and social
networks especially in Europe and the USA.

Symposium organization:
Research Students, who will be expected to present papers based on or part
of their PhD work, will have the opportunity to relate their important and
relevant research to other colleagues and academics, enabling them to form
networks for future collaboration or material resources. Panel
presentations will be organized according to topics. Established academics
will be in attendance, to offer further feedback on students’ research.
The symposium proceedings will be published in an edited volume.

Symposium themes:
Contributions are welcome regarding the following themes:
- Media and the Construction of public opinion
- New Media and the Arab revolutions
- The impact of satellite TV on the perception of democracy
- Media and social change in the Arab and Muslim world
- Media coverage of the Arab/Israeli conflict
- Communication and development in the Arab World
- Use of satellite TV and the internet by the Jihadi groups
- Media and women empowerment
- Diasporic media and diasporic audiences
- Youth and new media
- Media and minorities
- Arab/Muslim media audience studies
- Global media and its impact on local cultures
- Arab media and the challenge to global news networks
- Social networks and the changing face of journalism practice
- Reality TV and the tabloidisation of Arab media
- Pan-Arab Satellite TV and the transnational public Sphere
- Media and subcultures in the Arab world

We welcome contributions from around the world about the above mentioned
areas of enquiry. Abstracts to be considered for symposium panel
presentations should be submitted electronically by 25th September 2011.
Each abstract should be no more than 350 words, and each presentation
should be no more than 20 minutes. Draft papers should be submitted by
15th October 2011. Please send along your abstract a short bio and your
full contact details.

Symposium fees: £45.00 (payable by or before the 29th September 2011)
The symposium organisers do not reimburse any travel or accommodation

Contact us:
Please send your abstracts and all enquiries to:

Nermeen Sayed (Symposium Co-ordinator).
York University, UK
E-mail: (forum /at/
Tel: 00 44 (0) 7879 519602

Or Khalil Agha on (info /at/
University of Northampton, UK

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