International Conference on Social Media Culture:
Political, Economic, Social, and Journalistic Challenges
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Atma Jaya
Yogyakarta invites practitioners, scholars and graduate students across
disciplines to our International Conference on “Social Media Cultures:
Political, Economic, Social, and Journalistic Challenges.” The
conference will be held on 22 September 2011 at the University of Atma
Jaya Yogyakarta.
Now, we live in the social media era. Facebook and Twitter are popular
among higher classes and older users; also growing among other public.
Facebook and Twitter have been becoming the most important channels for
changing information paths. Through Twitter, people organize themselves
in several protests and activities.
The use of social network tools leads to social changes in everyday
life, politics, education and other fields. The emergence of online
social networks has changed the way information circulates within the
country, creating more awareness, actions and changes.
This conference is dedicated to providing opportunities for scholars
and practitioners to share their knowledge and to get involved in
discourse on social media uses and their implications on politics,
economy, social, and journalism, as well as the challenges they bring.
All relevant academic and multidisciplinary perspectives in the area of
social media culture are welcomed.
We invite contributors from all disciplines to submit competitive
abstracts for paper presentation at this conference. Abstracts should
revolve around one of the topics indicated below, describing original
work and/or research papers. We also encourage other varieties related
to New Media.
Suggested topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:
a. A new democratization? How social media change political cultures?
b. Social media in corporate communication.
c. Closing the digital divide: How social are social media?
d. User generated content: Obstacle or benefit to journalism?
Abstract Submissions
Abstracts should be between 300-500 words. Language of both abstracts
and papers is English. The abstract will be peer-reviewed. Required
format of submission is in word format and please include the author
name when saving the document. Include the presenter’s name,
institutional affiliation, a brief biographical note, email and postal
address into a separate file/paper. All documents must be emailed to
Yohanes Widodo, at (ywidodo /at/
Relevant Dates to be considered
Deadline for abstract submissions: July 30, 2011
Notification of accepted abstracts: August 15, 2011
Deadline for full papers: September 10, 2011
For registration and further information about the conference, please visit our website