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[ecrea] CFP: iDocs - Symposium on Interactive Documentary March 2011

Fri Oct 01 12:24:52 GMT 2010

>i-Docs: Call for Papers and Presentations
>In an era of pervasive computing, social media 
>and a networked â¬Üinformation societyâ¬", 
>digital documentary is embracing new forms. 
>Web-docs, docu-games, photo-reportages, 
>trans-media projects and locative narratives are 
>developing new languages of factual 
>communication that challenge the established linear narrative of documentary.
>i-Docs is the first lab/symposium to be 
>dedicated to the rapidly evolving field of 
>interactive documentary. The symposium will be a 
>day-long event to showcase new projects and to 
>discuss the artistic, economic and political 
>implications of new forms of factual representation.
>i-Docs is convened by Judith Aston, Sandra 
>Gaudenzi and Jonathan Dovey on behalf of the 
>Digital Cultures Research Centre, University of 
>the West of England, Bristol. The event will be 
>held at the Watershed Media Centre in central Bristol on:
>Friday, 25th of March 2011.
>Participants are invited to present their 
>current projects and research. There will also 
>be panel discussion, with a view to promoting 
>debate between media practitioners, 
>commissioning editors, artists and academics.
>Proposals for both paper and project presentations should be sent to:
>(idocs.symposium /at/ by Monday, 15th of November 2010.
>The proposal should clearly outline your 
>intentions in no more than 300 words. Links to 
>further visual materials can be provided, if appropriate.
>Confirmed keynote presentations from: Upian 
>(Prison Valley, Gaza/Sderot, Havana/Miami), 
>Blast Theory (Rider Spoke, Desert Rain, A 
>Machine To See With), Nick Cohen - BBC 
>Multiplatform Commissioning Executive for Documentary
>Suggested topics / themes:
>"       what is an interactive documentary?: 
>possible classification  methodologies for a field in constant development
>"       collaborative media and documentary 
>making: objectivity, actiivism and shared 
>authorship through the screens of mobile phones and web2.0
>"       user-generated content in documentary 
>practice: the new role  of the producer and possible models of collaboration
>"       crowd sourcing when documenting reality: 
>possible ethical andd political consequences
>"       docu-games and mixed-reality games: can games document the reeal?
>"       database documentaries: navigational 
>strategies and new possiibilities for representing multiple points of view
>"       the fine line between new media factual 
>art, collaborative joournalism and interactive  documentary
>"       what does the user think?: how do we 
>user test, or evaluate uuser experience, of an i-doc?
>"       possible financial models for i-docs: 
>who are the financial pplayers and what do they want?
>"       case study presentation and/or analysis of specific i-doc proojects
>Selected papers will be published in the Journal 
>of Media Practice. Several other publication 
>possibilities are being considered.
>The cost of attending this exciting event ­ 
>including lunch ⬬ is £50. Some reductions 
>are available for postgraduate researchers on a limited basis.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
New Book:
Trans-Reality Television
The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience.
Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739131885
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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