Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Call for papers: Communicating War in the Media and Arts

Wed Sep 22 11:57:08 GMT 2010

>Communicating War in the Media and Arts, 28 January 2011
>Organised by the Media and Politics Research 
>group, Department of Communication & Media, University of Liverpool
>This one-day conference aims to bring together a 
>range of academic researchers from the fields of 
>media and communication, international 
>relations, literary and visual culture to 
>discuss the ways in which the causes and 
>consequences of war are portrayed through diverse texts, artwork and media.
>The conference aims to investigate how various 
>representations, with their proffered 
>definitions, repetitions and archetypes, become 
>the dominant narratives of conflict; or, 
>alternatively, are effectively contested and 
>resisted. To what extent do representations of 
>contemporary warfare sustain or disrupt 
>collective understandings of conflict? How do 
>different voices get heard in debates over war 
>and the management of its consequences? We are 
>particularly interested in encouraging a 
>conversation across disciplines on the varied depictions of war and conflict.
>Keynote Speaker: Dr Piers Robinson, University of Manchester
>Possible themes include (but are not limited to):
>-       Mediatised war
>-       Media influence and foreign policy
>-       Visualising conflict
>-       NGOs, human rights and war
>-       Reportage and literary journalism
>-       Social media and conflict
>-       Protest and dissent
>-       From the war on terror to the long war
>The conference will be followed by an informal 
>book launch for Pockets of Resistance: British 
>News Media, War and Theory in the 2003 Invasion 
>of Iraq by Piers Robinson, Peter Goddard, Katy 
>Parry, Craig Murray and Philip Taylor.
>Potential contributors are invited to submit a 
>200-300 word abstract (with title) to 
>(communicatingwar /at/ by 15 November 2010. 
>Please include full contact details: title and 
>name, institutional affiliation and preferred 
>email address. If you have any queries please 
>contact us via the email address above or via 
>the organisers direct email addresses: Dr Katia 
>Balabanova ((katiab /at/ or Dr Katy Parry ((katy.parry /at/
>Important dates:
>Abstract deadline: 15 November 2010
>Acceptance notification (by e-mail): 1 December 2010
>Registration deadline: 18 December 2010 
>(registration after this date will incur a higher fee)
>Conference date: 28 January 2011
>Conference fee: £40, with reduced rates for 
>University of Liverpool staff (£35), and 
>postgraduate students/unwaged (£20). The fee 
>includes access to all talks, buffet lunch and 
>tea/coffee breaks during the day. Registration 
>instructions and the provisional programme will 
>be emailed to speakers and posted on our website 
>as soon as the details are available.
>Dr Katia Balabanova
>Lecturer in Political Communication
>Department of Communication and Media
>Roxby Building
>University of Liverpool
>L69 7ZT
>tel +44 151 794 2656
>fax +44 151 794 3948
>e-mail: (e.balabanova /at/

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