Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Call For Papers ­ Studies in Culture and Innovation

Tue Jul 27 19:13:05 GMT 2010

>Call For Papers  Studies in Culture and Innovation
>Papers are invited for Studies in Culture & 
>Innovation, a new international 
>trans-disciplinary academic peer-reviewed 
>journal that aims to draw out relations between 
>cultural practice and processes of innovation. 
>The journal seeks to highlight research in 
>interdisciplinary exchanges between arts and 
>humanities research and the innovation, science 
>and technology sectors. It also highlights the 
>contribution of work coming out of the cultural 
>knowledge spaces, museums, galleries, festivals, 
>theatres and other institutions to R&D in the creative and cultural economy.
>The journal provides a comparative approach, 
>asking questions about the creative tensions 
>between practices, histories and policies that 
>define creative knowledge, interdisciplinary 
>work, the spaces and sites of knowledge 
>creation, the habits and practices of creative 
>production and global cultures of openness, networks and knowledge sharing.
>We invite full paper submissions from any discipline on:
>·      Arts and humanities research in interdisciplinary collaboration
>·      Arts and humanities research in creative 
>technology or science and technology sectors
>·      Science or technology research and 
>practice-based research in art design and performance
>·      Science or technology research conducted 
>by artists, curators, or philosophers
>In the first volume we are particularly 
>interested in publishing work exploring 
>relations between models of innovation and 
>artistic research methods. As well as full 
>papers, case studies on creative projects 
>supported through publicly funded, national and 
>international research schemes and structural 
>innovation programmes, as well as R&D projects 
>developed collaboratively with the private sector, are especially welcome.
>We also invite, short and full reviews on books 
>and exhibitions of 25 pages in length.
>Submissions are welcome from both scholars and 
>practitioners. Contributions may be between 
>3,000 and 7,000 words and should be accessible 
>to the non-specialist reader. Papers must be 
>submitted in English. Please refer to the 
>Intellect style guide: 
>before submitting an article to this journal.
>Please send all submissions to 
><(d.hales /at/>(d.hales /at/, and 
>specify SCI: (&the nature of the article), e.g. 
>SCI:full paper, SCI:exhibition review, SCI:case 
>study, SCI:book review etc., in the subject heading of the email.
>Deadline for submissions: Monday 6 September 2010.
>Are you interested in Intellect or our publications? Find us online...
>| Blog: <>
>| Twitter: <>
>For additional information please contact:
>James Campbell | Marketing
>E: <(james /at/ intellectbooks.htm)>(james /at/
>T: +44 (0) 117 958 9916

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
New Book:
Trans-Reality Television
The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience.
Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739131885
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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