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[ecrea] postamble Call for Papers

Tue Apr 27 08:11:24 GMT 2010

>Under the Lens: South Africa and the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2010
>UCTs Centre for African Studies and its multidisciplinary
>postgraduate, peer-
>reviewed student journal, postamble invite you to submit essays,
>projects, book reviews, and opinion pieces that critically engage with
>the socio-
>political, cultural and economic impacts of the FIFA World Cup Soccer
>Tournament on South Africa.
>The atmosphere around this event in South Africa is fevered, not only
>owing to the opportunities
>FIFA and the South African government have promised, but also because
>this moment signifies a
>chance for the country and continent to project a positive and
>powerful public image to the rest of
>the world. The event has heralded huge developments in urban
>infrastructure and transport,
>tourism is expected to surge, sustained attention has been paid to
>improving the safety of and
>access to public spaces and investment­both local and foreign­is high.
>Soccer fans, of which
>there are many, are awaiting the arrival of some of the greatest names
>in sport; energies have
>soared in anticipation of an extended period of mid year celebration.
>There is a feeling of pride
>here, and South Africans seem to be united in a way unseen these past
>fifteen years.
>However, critics have questioned the real sustainable effects of the
>event, the development it
>brings, and have criticised the quick fix clean up strategies of the
>state and local government.
>There are hard questions that stir: what will be the real benefits of
>the FIFA World Cup, and what
>will happen once it is over? Who will be the real victors here? Will
>South Africa be able to use
>this opportunity to shift global perceptions about Africa and African
>cultures and societies? Or,
>do we stand the risk of entrenching many of the stereotypes that
>persist in the global public
>imagination? Achille Mbembe suggests that,
>&if we cannot win on the soccer field and if our victory won't be
>economic and financial,
>then we better start thinking hard about changing the very terms of
>what it means to win
>at all&Our victory can only be a cultural and moral victory. We will
>win the 2010 Soccer
>World Cup if we organize it in such a way that it powerfully
>contributes to changing the
>terms of Africa's recognition in the world. 1
>We invite submissions that heed the debates and questions around the
>2010 Soccer World Cup
>tournament. Postamble aims to publish an edition that is lively and
>polemical. The issue will be
>released a month after the end of the tournament, in August 2010.
>Photographic essays and
>opinion pieces can be created during the tournament time. Submissions
>may vary in their subject
>matter and approach and will be assessed on their relevance to the
>edition's theme. Long papers
>should be addressed to the Managing Editor, and 
>emailed to (postamble /at/  or cas-
>(postamble /at/ by no later than the 15th June 2010. These should
>be between 5000 and
>8000 words. Short Submissions (1500-3000 words) and photographic
>essays (10 to 15
>photographs) should be submitted to the same addresses by the 15th
>July 2010.
>OR submit on our website:
>For correct formatting, please see 
> .
>Please ensure all submissions contain a short abstract (200 words),
>biography (50 words), with
>relevant contact details.
>1 Mbembe, 2010 Soccer World Cup: Where Is the Moral Argument?
>Published online (31/10, 2006) in
>Africultures, Cultures Africaines: Accessed 8
>April 2010.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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