Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CALL FOR AUTHORS: Encyclopedia of Social Networks by George Barnett

Mon Apr 26 16:37:17 GMT 2010

>CALL FOR AUTHORS: Encyclopedia of Social Networks
>We are inviting academic editorial contributors to the Encyclopedia of
>Social Networks, a new 2-volume reference to be published in 2011 by SAGE
>This comprehensive work will be marketed and sold to college, public, and
>academic libraries and includes some 400 articles, covering all aspects of
>social networks from historical perspectives on social networks in ancient
>times to social networks in the Renaissance to the social networks of war to
>Twitter, as well as a wide range of social networks according to region.
>While the term social network evokes fast-moving technologies and services
>like weblogs, MySpace, or YouTube, the concept of a social network greatly
>predates these electronic technologies that have enabled just one aspect of
>it. Simply put, in these articles, a social network is a grouping or loosely
>connected web of individuals tied by one or more specific types of interests
>or interdependencies. These may include everything from similar likes and
>dislikes, friends and kin, disease transmission, or even a shared bus route
>to work, the "grapevine" around the water cooler, and the "old boy" network.
>Each article, ranging from 800 to 4,000 words, is signed by the contributor.
>The General Editor for the encyclopedia is George Barnett, Ph.D. University
>of California - Davis, who will review all the articles for editorial
>content and academic consistency.
>We are currently seeking authors for the following remaining entries:
>       Countries:
>Ancient China
>Burkina Faso
>Central African Republic
>Chad, Republic of
>Costa Rica
>Cote d'lvoire
>El Salvador
>Saudi Arabia
>Sri Lanka
>United States
>U.S. States:
>District of Columbia
>New Hampshire
>New Mexico
>New York
>North Carolina
>North Dakota
>South Carolina
>South Dakota
>West Virginia
>Other Topics:
>         Native America
>Trees and Pendants
>Immigrant Networks
>Military Networks
>US Supreme Court
>Government Organizations
>The entries for countries and U.S. states should explore prominent social
>networks within the region's culture, both online and offline, historically
>and in present day.  We are now making assignments with a deadline of June
>30, 2010.  If you are interested in contributing to the encyclopedia, it can
>be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your
>publishing credits. Payments for the articles are honoraria that range from
>a $50 book credit at SAGE Publications for article submissions totaling up
>to 1,000 words to a free set of the finished encyclopedia (a $250 value) for
>contributions totaling 10,000 words. More than this, your involvement can
>help assure that credible and detailed data, descriptions, and analysis are
>available to students of social network issues.
>If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference
>with the Encyclopedia of Social Networks, please contact me by the e-mail
>information below. Please also provide a brief summary of your background in
>social networks.
>Thank you for your time and interest.
>Lisbeth Rogers
>Author Manager
>Golson Media
>(network /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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