Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Audio recording of DSh "Meeting the Publishers" workshop

Sat Feb 06 18:43:47 GMT 2010

Dear all,

On 20 January, 2010, the Doctoral School for the Human Sciences of the VUBrussels organised a "Meeting the Publishers" workshop. In this workshop, a selected panel of academic publishers active in the different fields of the social sciences and humanities talked about the main aspects of getting a book published and the latest trends and main evolutions taking place in the world of academic publishing.

These were the participants
    * Mila Steele, Commissioning editor for media & cultural studies at SAGE
    * Masoud Yazdani, Chairman Intellect
    * Erik van Aert, publisher of Social Sciences, Amsterdam University Press
* Moderator: JP Van Bendegem, professor and chairman of the Doctoral School of the Human Sciences

An audio recording of Masoud Yazdani's presentation is available at the Intellect Website:,id=40097/

The talk included quite some practical advice, and we think you might find it interesting.

Kind regards,
Nico Carpentier
Director Doctoral School for the Human Sciences

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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