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[ecrea] call Journal of language and Politics

Fri Jan 22 17:14:36 GMT 2010

Journal Information
John BenJamins PuBlishing ComPany

Journal of language and Politics
Editors: Ruth Wodak and Paul Chilton
University of Lancaster
Associate Editor: Michal Krzyzanowski
University of Lancaster
Book Review Editor: Lilie Chouliaraki
LSE, London
Th e Journal of Language and Politics (JLP) represents a forum for analysing and

discussing the various dimensions in the interplay of language and politics. The
basic assumption is that the language of politics cannot be separated from the
politics of language. The notion of ?Political Discourse? does not remain limited to the ?institutional? field of politics (e.g. parliamentary discourse, election campaigns, party programmes, speeches, etc.) but opens to all linguistic manifestations that may be considered to be political, provided that it is convincingly argued what makes them ?political?. In order to illuminate new and old forms of political discourses inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives and
elaborated linguistic methodologies have to complement each other.

Articles should bring together sociological concepts, political theories, and historical analysis. Methodologies can be qualitative or quantitative and must be well grounded in linguistics or other relevant disciplines. They may focus on different dimensions (pragmatics, semantics, social cognition, semiotics) of political discourse. Since political discourses overlap with other discourses, e.g. economic and scientific discourses, perspectives of interdiscursivity and intertextuality are considered to be important. Articles based on ethnographic studies will be particularly welcome.

The Journal of Language and Politics is associated with the book series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society, and
Culture, edited by Ruth Wodak and Grey Myers.
ISSN: 1569-2159 (print) / 1569-9862 (electronic)
editorial Board
Ruth Amossy, Tel Aviv
Christine Anthonissen, Stellenbosch
Michal Buchowski, Poznan
Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard, Birmingham
Aaron V. Cicourel, San Diego, CA
Rudolf de Cillia, Vienna
Paul Danler, Innsbruck
Teun A. van Dijk, Barcelona
Norman Fairclough, Lancaster
Anita Fetzer, Würzburg
Susan Gal, Chicago, IL
Gu Yueguo, Beijing
Mikhail V. Ilyin, Moscow
Barbara Johnstone, Pittsburgh, PA
Theo van Leeuwen, Sydney
Lorenza Mondada, Lyon
Anton Pelinka, Budapest
Luisa Martín Rojo, Madrid
John E. Richardson, Loughborough
Louis de Saussure, Neuchâtel
Elena Semino, Lancaster
Bo Strath, Helsinki
Usama Suleiman, Beirut
Anna Triandafyllidou, Athens
Ole Wæver, Copenhagen
Shi-xu, Hangzhou

Please enter my subscription for Journal of Language and Politics
Subscription rates for Volume 9, 2010 (4 issues, ca. 640 pp.), including access to the electronic edition. (For countries within the EC we have to charge VAT, except to VAT-ID Number holders).
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? Libraries and Institutions EUR 382.00
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Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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