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[ecrea] CFP: International Conference on Corporate Responsibility - August 25-27, 2010 - London Metropolitan Business School, London

Thu Jan 21 20:57:00 GMT 2010

International Conference on Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility and Global Challenges
August 25-27, 2010
Centre for Corporate Responsibility
London Metropolitan Business School, London
Call for Papers
The conference is intended to provide a leading international forum for
presentation and discussion of research in corporate responsibility and
sustainability. We welcome contributions from researchers, practitioners,
community representatives, and anyone who has a perspective on these
Theme: Global Challenges for Sustainability and Equity
The fashionable language in CSR circles has for a while now centred on
sustainability. However, one party?s idea of a sustainable strategy may
easily conflict with other stakeholders? priorities. The notion of
sustainability seems under-examined, its meaning taken for granted.
Further, as important as the long view is, there is a danger of other
equally important markers of human development being sidelined, such as
equity, meaning fair or just outcomes. Which begs the question ?what is
fair or just??, and ?who gets to decide what is equitable??

Among the areas where the rhetoric of sustainability and the demand for
equity are proving challenging are the financial crisis and climate
change; issues demanding coordinated responses at a global level, yet
equally any ?solutions? need to be locally relevant and equitable. In
these and other areas issues of economic power, political influence and
competing ethical perspectives seem embedded in any attempt to develop
sustainable strategies and undoubtedly shape what counts as equitable.
With these challenges in mind we need to explore and conceive innovative
approaches to social and economic development that are both sustainable
and equitable.
The scope of the conference is interdisciplinary. We encourage
contributions that focus both on single issues whether social,
environmental, economic or technological, as well as contributions that
focus on the challenges and opportunities where these streams seem to
merge. We seek to develop nuanced knowledge and locally relevant practice.
Such ambition requires perspectives that are critical, situated in the
context of an evolving global dynamic.
Participants are invited to submit proposals involving either 30 minutes
presentations or 60 minute workshops.  30 minute presentations comprise
15-20 minutes presentation and 10-15 minutes questions and brief
discussion. Workshops are intended for topics that seek to stimulate much
more audience participation and debate than can be achieved in a 30 minute
presentation. Papers may focus on practice, research or theory, and may be
Full Papers or Developmental Papers. We also encourage Doctoral
researchers to submit Work-in-Progress papers and Posters.

Submission Options
?       Full Papers
?       Developmental (Work-in-Progress) Papers
?       Workshop Proposals

?       January 2010 -  call for papers
? Monday 29th March - deadline for all papers (full, developmental, workshop)
?       1st April to 18th April - refereeing period
?       30th  April -  authors receive decisions on accepted papers
?       30th  June - deadline for revisions to accepted papers
?       20th  July - papers and draft Track schedules available online
Please send papers and enquiries to (csrconf2010 /at/

Papers will be published as Conference proceedings. Further publishing
opportunities will be offered at the conference.
Track Chairs
We need volunteers to Chair Presentations and Workshops, and poster
sessions. The Conference will be divided into streams, representing
loosely related perspectives and interests, and we aim to program parallel
sessions relating to each stream.
We intend to offer sight-seeing information for those wishing to stay on
after the conference.  The Monday following the conference [August 30th]
is a UK Bank holiday. The famous Notting Hill Carnival will take place on
August 30th.
Conference Fees
Before          April 30th              After April 30th
Regular EUR250          EUR300
Student EUR150          EUR180

The conference registration fee includes all conference materials and
lunch each day of the conference. Accommodations options will also be
If you are unable to attend the Conference, and are unable to transfer
your registration to another person, you may request (by email) a refund
of your Conference registration fee. Cancellations will be accepted until
30th June with a refund of all fees except for an administration fee of
EUR50. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date.

Contact us
For any enquiries regarding the conference please contact us at
(csrconf2010 /at/

Ezendu Ariwa
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Green Computing
Course Leader, Business Information Technology Management (BITM)
Senior Lecturer - Strategic Information Systems
London Metropolitan Business School
London Metropolitan University
Eden Grove - EG4.06
2-16 Eden Grove
London N7 8EA
United Kingdom

Tel: 02071333945
Fax: 02071333899
Email: (e.ariwa /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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