Archive for April 2002

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[eccr] QuickLinks 231 - 14 April 2002 - index

Wed Apr 17 06:05:15 GMT 2002

QuickLinks 231 - 14 April 2002

HTML version:
Home Page:

Legal and regulatory issues

1. Deutschland - Kirch stellt Insolvenzantrag f=FCr Kerngesch=E4ft
2. Germany - Pressure mounts on broadcasters
3. UK - Brass Eye's paedophiles show cleared by TV watchdog
4. UK - Carlton and Granada sue Football League

5. Deutschland - Verwendung sachfremder Keywords bei html-Metatags
6. EU - Commission examines EUR 450 million cash advance to Bull
7. EU - Does EC competition policy help or hinder the European
audiovisual industry?
8. EU - European Commission raps Check Point's knuckles
9. USA - Court Order Curbs Site's Ranking In Search Results
10. USA - Murdoch company 'leaked rival's TV codes'
11. USA - No. 2 U.S. Phone Carrier Sees Threat In Microsoft

   Computer crime
12. Deutschland - Polizei legt Kinderporno-Provider lahm
13. UK - Paedophile Tracked Through Computer Images

   Consumer protection
14. Nigeria - E-Mail Suckers Exist
15. USA - Court Rules in Favor of Microsoft
16. USA - E-Mail Messages Open Window on Wall Street

   Content regulation
17. EU - European Parliament says no to Web-site blocking
18. Council of Europe - Draft Declaration on freedom of
communication on the Internet
19. EU - Parlament gegen Webzensur und Site-Sperrung

   Copyright, trademarks and patents
20. USA - Critics Carp About CARP Webcast Royalty Plan
21. USA - Vivendi Universal Strikes Back In Gamers Showdown

   Data Protection (privacy)
22. UK - Monitoring of e-mails in offices to be banned
23. Nominet UK to change WHOIS details
24. Seeking Profits, Internet Companies Alter Privacy Policy
25. USA - IM monitoring grows in popularity
26. USA - Mugshots online: Take a peek at the perps
27. USA - National Academies Study Tempers Call For National ID

   Domain names
28. Cybersquatting: The OECD's Experience
29. Did ICANN Take Sides in Dispute?
30. Gouvernance de l'internet : quelle l=E9gitimit=E9 pour l'ICANN ?
31. USA - House Panel Approves 'Dot-Kids' Bill

32. Ausl=E4ndische E-Government-Strategien und ihre institutionellen
33. EU - Open Consultation on government e-services
34. France - CNIL : le vote =E9lectronique doit respecter "les
principes de base du scrutin"
35. France - Faire campagne sur Internet : les limites juridiques
36. UK - E-voting put to the test
37. UK - Police release paedophile picture

38. UK - Policing the net

   Information society and Internet policy
39. EU - European Commissioner Erkki Liikanen on official visit to
40. EU - Feedback on Commission's European Contract Law initative
now published
41. United States and European Commission agree increased Regulatory

   Internet access and use
42. France T=E9l=E9com baisse les tarifs de l'acc=E8s rapide =E0 Internet

   Junk mail (spam)
43. Australia - Keeping Spam In The Can
44. USA - California Fax Spam Bill Clears State Senate Committee

   Liability, jurisdiction and applicable law
45. Google Provides Scientology Warnings To Free Speech Site

   Mobile and wireless
46. USA - Verizon Wireless Sues FCC Over Auction Deposits
47. USA - Will Wi-Fi overwhelm satellite radio?

   Protection of minors
48. EU - Commercial practices aimed at children
49. EU - Daphne programme against violence towards women and children
50. USA - FTC Asks Gaming Group For More Data On Media Violence

   Rating and filtering
51. Singapore - ISP To Block Sites On Broadband Service
52. Un filtre contre l'Internet intol=E9rant

   Safer Internet awareness
53. Council of Europe - European Forum on Harmful and Illegal Cyber

   Self-regulation / codes of conduct
54. Australia - ACCC looks outside e-commerce courtroom
55. USA - Addressing Disputes In Electronic Commerce

56. Bosnia & Herzegovina - ISP and network operators get licences
57. Germany - Deutsche Telekom forced to lower 'last mile' fee
58. USA - Phone Rivals Petition FCC On Sharing Rules

59. USA - Ashcroft Calls For Web-Based Terrorist Data System
60. USA - Clinton backs tech war on terror

Market & Technology

   Convergence of telecommunications, media and information technology
61. Economist Survey on digital  television.
62. Sweden - TV4 set to launch iTV service
63. USA - Local TV Station Tackles On-Demand Web Video

   Employment and social issues
64. When games stop being fun

   Junk mail (spam)
65. New breed spam filter slashes junk email

66. Luxembourg - Cegecom launches voice and ADSL services
67. Microsoft abandons Hailstorm platform
68. Penthouse bankruptcy looms
69. Rising Costs of Free Web E-Mail
70. USA - Authors Guild Urges Members To Drop Amazon Links

   Mobile and wireless
71. BT goes wireless again

   Portals, browsers and search engines
72. Google tests search tools for developers

   Security and encryption
73. Experts: Chat rooms a haven for hackers
74. Security for all

75. Consumer Interest Fuels Wireless Services Market - Study
76. Deutschland - Zentrale anlassunabh=E4ngige Recherche in Datennetzen
77. EU - Consumer Day 2002: Most consumers not yet confident enough
to shop cross-border
78. Japan - DSL Drives Net Growth
79. Snapshot shows net under attack
80. USA - Computer crime 'soaring'
81. USA - Internet Auction Fraud Is Top Consumer Complaint - FBI
82. USA - Online Advertising Expected To Bounce Back - Study
83. USA - Online Sales Accelerating, Not 'Maturing' - BizRate

84. Web surfers brace for pop-up downloads

Useful addresses

85. USA - Communications Law and Regulation

Please only use:
  (Nico.Carpentier /at/
Please do not use:
  (carpent /at/ or (nico.carpentier /at/
Carpentier Nico
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Pleinlaan 2 - b-1050 Brussels
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.24.33
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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