Archive for April 2002

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2nd Call ECCR Conference, Moscow, 17-19 October 2002

Tue Apr 09 11:15:02 GMT 2002

Title: 2nd Call ECCR Conference, Moscow, 17-19 October 2002


The European Consortium for Communications Research (ECCR)
in association with the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University

cordially invites you to the International Scientific Conference

³Mass Media and Communication

in the @Society of the 21st century²

It will take place from 17  to  19 October 2002 at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, Russia. Issues related to the development of mass media and telecommunications will be discussed at the October forum. The Conference will undoubtedly become one of the most distinguished events of the year and shall be dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University.

In the framework of the congress the following events are scheduled:

Scientific conference: 300 Years of Russian Newspaper: From a Printing Machine to E-media
Special session on the information society (as a special event on the eve of the World Summit on the Information Society which will take place in 2003)
ECCR Assembly General

The Congress Program includes plenary and section meetings which will cover a wide range of issues related to the history of Russian journalism as well as today¹s transformations of traditional media in the broader context.

Leading media and communication scholars, policymakers and practitioners are expected to participate. Among them are: Mr. Michael Gorbachev, former President of the USSR; Dr Waheed Khan, Deputy Secretary-General for Communication, UNESCO Paris; Mr. Philippe Busquin, EU Commissioner for Research, Brussels; Dr. Peter Johnston, EC ICT, Brussels; Dr. Jean-Claude Burgelman, IPTS, Sevilla, Spain; Dr. Brian Shoesmith, ECU, Perth, Australia; Dr. Jan van Cuilenburg, Media Commissioner, Netherlands; Dr. Pradip Thomas, Research Directror, WACC, London, UK; Dr. Kaarle  Nordenstreng, Tampere University, Finland; Terhi Rantonen, Tampere University, Finland; Dr. Robert Picard, Manager, Media Group, Business Research and Development Center, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland;  K.M.Shrivastava , Professor, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, India; and Dr. Antti Kasvio, eTampere, Finland.

The Congress will be held during three days:

October 17, 2002
Plenary meetings will be dedicated to 300 Anniversary of Russian Press

The following issues are going to be discussed:

Russian Media in the International Context 1703-2003.
Russian and Foreign Journalism. 18th Century.
Russian Press in the 18th Century. International Community and First Russian Publications and Publicists (Katherine the Great, Novikov, Fonvizin, Krilov, etc.)
Free voices of Russia in Europe.
Concentration of Russian Media in the World at the turning point (end 19th - beg. 20th century).
Communist Press in Russia in the International Context. From Revolutionary Freedom to Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism.
Russian Press Abroad (Russian Immigration Press).
Thaw of the 1960s in the International Context   
Glasnost and World Press at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st Century.

Section meetings are also to be held on 18 October, 2002.

October 18-19, 2002
International Scientific Conference ³Mass Media and Communications in the @Society of the 21st Century: Access and Participation²

The following key themes will be addressed:

Convergence: Content and Industries in the New Telecommunications Environment
Network Society and Mass Media and @Society
Information and Communication Technologies and Globalization: Pro and Contra
Open Societies and Access to e-Media
Does e-Society Require Regulation and Media Policy?
Digital Divide in Economic, Social and Cultural Contexts: Measures to Prevent Exclusion
Culture in @Society: Rise or Decrease?
Use of Internet and Consumption of Traditional Media
Journalism Education and Media Literacy  in the Information Society

Conference fee:

250 $US or 300 EURO for foreign participants;  
125$ or 150 EURO for junior researchers and scholars from soft currency countries

The Conference fee includes conference materials, a book of abstracts, lunches and coffee breaks during the conference days. The organizers offer three hotels for accommodation. If you wish to stay in one of the below mentioned, you can fill out a Registration Form, attached to the Call for Papers, and forward it to the Organizers.

Working languages of the Conference are English and Russian. Deadline for the submission of abstracts: June 1, 2002. Registration for the conference will be opened at the MSU Faculty web site ( after 15 April 2002.

For information on membership in ECCR, conference registration, submission of abstracts, travel to Moscow, etc., please contact Dr. Natalia Bolotina at (n_bolotina /at/
Fax: (095) 203-3207
Mailing address: 103914, Russia, Moscow, Mokhovaya St., 9, MSU-Journalism

Yours very truly,

Prof. Yassen N. Zassoursky
Dean Faculty of Journalism, MSU

Prof. Jan Servaes
President ECCR

Hotel Registration Form

Last Name:

First Name:

Middle Name:



Arriving in Moscow:

Leaving Moscow:


Room category:

If you wish to be met at the airport, provide your flight number, day and time of arrival:  

If you wish to pay by credit card, provide the following information:

Credit Card Company:    O Mastercard   O VISA   O  Eurocard

Name of Credit Card holder:
Credit Card Number:
Expiry date:

Signature and date:

Price List

The Hotel ³Belgrad² (³Belgrade²)
121099, Smolenskaya St. 8
20 minutes (walking) from the Faculty of Journalism, MSU (Conference area), two stops by subway.
Single rooms ­  $ 56
Double rooms  ­ $ 86
Breakfast is included

The Hotel ³Moskva²  (³Moscow²)
103009, Ochotny Ryad St. 2
10 minutes (walking) from the Faculty of Journalism, MSU (Conference area)
Single rooms:
2nd category ­ $ 55,
1st category ­ $ 65
Double rooms:
2nd category ­ $ 75,
1st category ­ $ 100
Breakfast ($ 9 per person) is not included

The Hotel ³Rossiya² (³Russia²)
103495, Varvarka St. 6.
15 minutes (walking) from the Faculty of Journalism, MSU (Conference area) through the Red Square, near the Kremlin
Single rooms:
2nd category ­ $ 50,
1st category ­ $ 75
1st category with a view on the Kremlin ­ $ 90
Double rooms:
2nd category ­ $ 55,
1st category ­ $ 90
1st category with a view on the Kremlin ­ $ 100
Breakfast ($ 8 per person) is not included

Transportation from the airport:
$ 50 ­ individual car with a driver
$ 25 ­ seat in a mini-van.


ECCR - European Consortium for Communications Research
Secretariat: P.O.Box 106,   B-1210 Brussels 21, Belgium
Tel.: +32-02-412 42 47                        Fax.: +32-02-412 42 00
Email: <(freenet002 /at/> or <(Rico.Lie /at/>
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