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[ecrea] MATRIZes Vol.11, No. 3, December 2017 - new issue
Sat Dec 30 09:21:13 GMT 2017
It is a pleasure to announce the new issue of *MATRIZes, Journal of the
Graduate Program in Communication Sciences of the University of Sao
Paulo, Brazil.*
We look forward to receiving your manuscript submission.
MATRIZes is open access and available:
in English: http://www.revistas.usp.br/matrizes/user/setLocale/en_US
in Portuguese: http://www.revistas.usp.br/matrizes/user/setLocale/pt_BR
*v. 11, n. 3 (2017)*
/The media’s failure to represent the working class: explanations from
media production and beyond /(only in Portuguese)//
David Hesmondhalgh
/The places where audience studies and production studies meet///
Vicki Mayer
/Fiction and resistance in the file culture///
Vera Lúcia Follain de Figueiredo
/Event analysis: methodological possibilities///
Vera Veiga França, Suzana Cunha Lopes
/Renato Ortiz: warp of writing, web of memory///
Eduardo Vicente, Thiago Siqueira Venanzoni, Rosana de Lima Soares
/Dialectical Images: Media and Consciousness in /The Arcades Project/of
Walter Benjamin///
Antonio Rafele
/The work of journalists and their contradictions: an ontological of
Rafael Bellan Rodrigues de Souza
World War Z: /Darwinismo Social y renacer de la concepción
nacionalsocialista del mundo/
Alfonso M. Rodríguez de Austria Giménez de Aragón
/Gaps in communication and film studies in Brazil: feminism (and the
intersection of gender and race) and film reception///
Ceiça Ferreira
/Reflexive practices in science blogs written by scientists///
Natália Flores
/Between rupture and resumption: criticism of the dominant memory of
bossa nova///
Herom Vargas, Mozahir Salomão Bruck
/Expansions and reconfigurations///
Ligia Prezia Lemos
ISSN: 1982-8160
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