Archive for publications, July 2015

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[ecrea] Special issue of Digital Journalism: Journalism, Citizenship and Surveillance Society

Fri Jul 24 00:38:16 GMT 2015

Please consider contributing to this special issue of /Digital
Journalism / on Journalism, Citizenship and Surveillance Society:

The rise of social media and the revelations of the Snowden leaks have
brought about unprecedented debate on the consequences of a surveillance
society – a society organised around the collection, recording, storage,
analysis and application of information on individuals and groups.

The emergence of a surveillance society raises important questions
around new threats to press freedom and political dissent; the
responsibilities of media organizations and state actors; the nature of
journalists’ relationship to the state; journalists’ ability to protect
their sources and data; and the ways in which media coverage shape
public perceptions of surveillance.

This special issue of /Digital Journalism/ will explore how the
emergence of surveillance society, and debates over its implications,
play out in the context of journalistic practices and discourses. It
takes an interest not only in how surveillance debates play out in and
through mediated discourses, but also how practices of surveillance
shape the accounts, everyday work and ethics of journalists.

We welcome contributions from a range of national contexts, as well as
methodological and theoretical approaches. Papers are invited on the
following topics, and any others to do with the relationship between
journalism, citizenship and surveillance society:

*Journalistic Accounts and Practices*

  * What are the experiences and accounts of journalists covering
  * How are journalistic practices and self-understandings informed by
    the emergence of surveillance society?
  * How does the emergence of a surveillance society challenge and
    inform approaches to journalistic ethics?
  * What are the implications of a surveillance society for journalistic
    practices and press freedom?
  * What are the ethical implications for journalists who use
    surveillance materials in their reportage?
  * What are the challenges for journalists in protecting of their
    sources and data in a surveillance society, and how do they reflect
    on these challenges?
  * How have media organisations responded to pressure from the state
    and its intelligence agencies?

*Mediated Debates over Surveillance*

  * How has public opinion on, and perception of, surveillance been
    represented in the media?
  * How are arguments over the dangers and opportunities of surveillance
    represented in the media?
  * How have the Snowden leaks been covered in the media?
  * How do activists, policy makers and technological experts engage
    with and make sense of mediated debates around surveillance?
  * How is mediated citizen participation shaped and informed by
    practices of surveillance?

    Submission Instructions and Deadlines

Prospective authors should email an abstract of no more than 500 words
to Karin Wahl-Jorgensen. All submissions will be reviewed by the editors
and successful authors will be invited to contribute a full 8,000 word
paper that will be subjected to double blind peer-review.


  * Abstracts (no more than 500 words): 28 September 2015
  * Full papers to guest editors for peer review: 1 May 2016
  * Revised full papers due: 1 October 2016
  * Publication: Early 2017

    Editorial information

  * Abstracts should be sent to: Karin Wahl-Jorgensen,/Cardiff
    University, UK/ ((Wahl-JorgensenK /at/
    <mailto:(Wahl-JorgensenK /at/>)


See also:

Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
Director, Research Development and Environment
Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
Cardiff University
Rm 1.32 Bute Building
King Edward VII Avenue
Cardiff, CF10 3NB
(029) 2087 9414
(wahl-jorgensenk /at/

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