Archive for publications, June 2013

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[ecrea] Sheila Whiteley: "Countercultures: Utopias, Dystopias, Anarchy" (Volume! the French journal of popular music studies)

Thu Jun 20 19:12:52 GMT 2013

Out now!

*Volume ! n°9-2, Sheila Whiteley (ed.), "Countercultures: Utopias, Dystopias, Anarchy"
+ "Metal Studies" book reviews section*

This second issue of Volume! deals with the *sixties counterculture's modernist* and utopian aspects, as well as its *dystopian and apocalyptic ones*, with Charles Manson's shadow and the ambivalent Jesus Movement. We then examine the era's musical *experimentations*, with the "*freak" movement*, *sonic anarchy*, the *Grateful Dead*'s improvizations and *Yoko Ono*'s voice.

A big "*metal studies*" section assesses this "discipline's" recent contribution to the analysis of popular music.

An *English version* of both "countercultures" issues will be published by *Ashgate*: Sheila Whiteley and Jedediah Sklower (eds.), Countercultures and Popular Music, May 2014.

*Table of contents*, online version:

Order the paper version of the issue here:,11064

/Volume!/ is an independent peer-reviewed journal - We need your support! Subscribe!

In this issue, there is also a big "*metal studies*" book reviews section, with an article on black metal harmony, a presentation of the International Society for Metal Music Studies and 17 book reviews (everything but the article can be bought for 7 euros online).


Volume ! n° 10-1, Antoine Hennion & Jedediah Sklower (eds.), "*Audiologies, listening to popular music*", November 2013.

We are currently starting the editorial process for the publication of the proceeds of the "*Changing the Tune: popular music and politics in the XXIst century*" Strasbourg international conference (Volume!/IASPM-bfe/ASPM/SEARCH).

More info on the conference: <>

Volume !

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