Archive for publications, August 2011

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[ecrea] New book: The Adaptation Industry

Tue Aug 09 12:59:48 GMT 2011

Listserve members may be interested in a newly published research monograph, */The Adaptation Industry: The Cultural Economy of Contemporary Literary Adaptation/*, which analyses adaptation as a sociological, material and institutional process.

Adaptation constitutes the driving force of contemporary culture, with stories adapted across an array of media formats. However, adaptation studies has been concerned almost exclusively with textual analysis, in particular with compare-and-contrast studies of individual novel and film pairings. This has left almost completely unexamined crucial questions of how adaptations come to be made, what are the industries with the greatest stake in making them, and who the decision-makers are in the adaptation process. /The Adaptation Industry/ re-imagines adaptation not as an abstract process, but as a material industry. It presents the adaptation industry as a cultural economy of six interlocking institutions, stakeholders and decision-makers all engaged in the actual business of adapting texts: authors; agents; publishers; book prize committees; scriptwriters; and screen producers and distributors. Through trading in intellectual property rights to cultural works, these six nodal points in the adaptation network are tightly interlinked, with success for one party potentially auguring for success in other spheres. But marked rivalries between these institutional forces also exist, with competition characterizing every aspect of the adaptation process. This book constructs an overdue sociology of contemporary literary adaptation, never losing sight of the material and institutional dimensions of this powerful process.

Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies <>

New York: Routledge, 2011

ISBN: 978-0-415-99903-8


Dr Simone Murray

Senior Lecturer in Communications and Media Studies

& Director, The Centre for the Book

School of English, Communications & Performance Studies

Monash University

Menzies building (#11), Room W709

Clayton VIC 3800, AUSTRALIA

Email: (Simone.Murray /at/

Tel. +61 (0)3 9905 2220

Fax. +61 (0)3 9905 2135


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