Archive for publications, August 2011

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[ecrea] New book: Transnational Protests and the Media

Fri Aug 05 20:56:02 GMT 2011

*Cottle, S and Lester, L. (eds.) /Transnational Protests and the Media, /Peter Lang.*

ISBN 978-1-4331-0985-0 pb. ISBN 978-1-4331-0986-7 hb Order online:**

*/Transnational Protests and the Media/*/ /examines and theorizes the changing nature of transnational protests and their transactions within and through contemporary communications and media worldwide. With contributions from leading theorists and researchers working in the field today, this cutting-edge collection explores transnational protests focusing on war and peace, economy and trade, ecology and climate change and political struggles for civil and human rights -- including the Arab uprisings of 2011. At its core is the concerted attempt to better understand the increasingly innovative uses of media and communications by protesters and activists within a rapidly changing media environment and how this is altering relations of communication power from the local to the global.


Part One: Transnational Protests: Approaches and Agendas

Chapter 1: Transnational Protests and the Media: An Introduction - Simon Cottle and Libby Lester

Chapter 2: Transnational Protests and the Media: New Departures and Challenging Debates - Simon Cottle

*Part Two: Protesting War and Peace*

Chapter 3: Scales of Activism: New Media and Transnational Connections in Anti- War Movements - Jenny Pickerill, Kevin Gillan and Frank Webster

Chapter 4: '''Not in Our Name": British Press, the Anti-war Movement and the Iraq Crisis 2002-2009 - Craig Murray, Piers Robinson, Peter Goddard and Katy Parry

Chapter 5: On Anti-Iraq War Protests and the Global News Sphere - Stephen Reese

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*Part Three: Protesting Economy and Trade*

Chapter 6: Leaderless Crowds, Self-Organizing Publics, and Virtual Masses: The New Media Politics of Dissent -Andrew Rojecki

Chapter 7: Mediating and Embodying Transnational Protest: Internal and External Effects of Mass Global Justice Actions - Jeffrey Juris

Chapter 8: Protest and Public Relations: A New Era for Non-institutional Sources? -- Adam Bowers

Chapter 9: Photography, the Police and Protest: Images of the G20, London 2009' - David Archibald

*Part Four: Protesting Ecology and Climate*

Chapter 10: Wild Public Screens and Image Events from Seattle to China: Using Social Media to Broadcast Activism - Kevin DeLuca, Ye Sun and Jennifer Peeples

Chapter 11: Politics, Power and Online Protest in an Age of Environmental Conflict' - Brett Hutchins and Libby Lester

Chapter 12: Amazon Struggles in the Global Media Age - Conny Davidson

Chapter 13: Piracy Up-Linked: Sea Shepherd and the Spectacle of Protest on the High Seas - David Crouch and Katarina Damjanov

Chapter 15: Climate Change and International Protest at Copenhagen: Reflections on British Television and the Web - Neil T. Gavin and Tom Marshall

*Part Five: Protesting Human Rights and Civil Rights

Chapter 16: Open Source Protest: Human Rights, Online Activism and the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games - Ana Adi and Andy Miah

Chapter 17: The 2008 Tibet Riots: Competing Perspectives, Divided Group Protests and Divergent Media Narratives - Chen Li and Lucy Montgomery

Chapter 18: "Resistanbul": An Analysis of Mediated Communication in Transnational Activism - I.lke S,anl?er Yüksel and Murat Yüksel

Chapter 19: Political Protest and the Persian Blogosphere: The Iranian Election - Nazanin Ghanavizi

Chapter 20: The Global Human Rights Regime and the Internet: Non-democratic States and the Hypervisibility of Evidence of Oppression - Scott Davidson and James Stanyer

*Part Six: Transnational Protests and the Media: Toward Global Civil **Society? *

Chapter 21: Transnational Protests and the Media: Toward Global Civil Society? - Libby Lester and Simon Cottle

Afterword: Media and the Arab Uprisings 2011 - Simon Cottle


Protest movements are key actors in twenty-first century global politics. How they use media, old and new, and how media treat them, are key questions for everyone who wants to understand protest. This authoritative collection, with impressive coverage of a wide range of issues and regions, is the best place to examine these issues today. (Martin Shaw, Research Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex)

As the impact of the internet on the management of political power and authority [...], becomes evermore apparent, this study of the relationship between digital technology and transnational protest provides a wealth of new material for study. Up to date, and global in its scope, this collection adds empirical substance to the intensifying theoretical debate on the impact of the internet on power, protest and political action. A must-read for students of political media in a globalised world. (Brian McNair Professor of Journalism, Media & Communication, Queensland University of Technology)

An important book that advances our understanding of transnational protests. Students of political communication, digital media and social movements will be interested in new thinking from these authors about protest scale, virtual publics, the interactions of digital and mass media, and the role of images in protest narratives, among other topics. This is a first-rate collection that develops new theory and offers a rich set of cases. (Lance Bennett, Professor of Political Science and Ruddick C. Lawrence Professor of Communication, University of Washington, Seattle)

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