Archive for publications, May 2010

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[ecrea] special issue of PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication

Thu May 06 07:55:02 GMT 2010

>Dear ECREA members,
>With Mozilla Firefox pushing towards a 25% share of the web browser market
>and the number of Creative Commons licensed works reaching more than 250
>million in 2009, perhaps it is time to ask, =91Is =93open=94 the new black?
>Hollywood, President Obama, Yoko Ono and even Coca-Cola are all
>experimenting with new approaches to copyright management and
>commercialisation designed to help, not hinder, digital sharing. The concept
>of "open" has embedded itself across sectors, industries and communities
>like an internet meme, which begs the question, =92Why open?=92
>The new commons are flourishing on digital networks, bringing together
>fields of academic thought, from computer science to economics, from
>sociology to law. As these models proliferate, communities, platforms and
>philosophies are emerging, but so are a number of issues. How successful are
>collaborative projects at including a diverse range of people and adapting
>and evolving to the changing media landscape? Are commercial models a
>mutually beneficial use of user-generated content and user-led innovation,
>or do they exploit their participants=92 efforts for profit? Will this space
>hold true to Yochai Benkler=92s The Wealth of Networks or is this just a
>digital rehash of the old problem of Garrett Hardin=92s =93The Tragedy of t=
>And above all, should we be open 24/7? When should we flip the sign around?
>In this special issue of PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication, guest
>edited by Jessica Coates and Elliott Bledsoe in collaboration with the
>Creative Commons Clinic at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative
>Industries and Innovation, we encourage submissions by postgraduate students
>working in media studies or related fields which critically examine the
>legal, social and technical parameters of open source, open content 
>and openaccess. Possible topics might include:
>     * Can copyright build communities?
>     * Motivations for adopting open strategies; motivations for being
>involved in open projects
>     * Open business models; what models are out there? What=92s working?
>What=92s not? And what can we learn from them?
>     * Governmental and political trends towards transparency and how open
>access can improve the democratic process
>     * Open Education; Open Educational Resources and their impact on
>academies, classrooms and learning
>     * Open design; conceptualising, manufacturing and distributing products
>from open schematics
>     * Open formats and open standards
>     * Measuring the commons; metrics, analytics and tracking the impact of
>open initiatives
>17 May 2010: Abstracts/Proposals (500-800 words)
>5 July 2010: Full Papers (6,000-8,000 words, including 200 word abstracts
>and six keywords)
>Submissions to: (info /at/ Please include 'Platform
>Special Issue Submission' in the subject line.
>All submissions to PLATFORM must be from current graduate students (no more
>than 6 months after graduation) undertaking their Masters, Ph.D. or
>international equivalent. We recommend that prospective authors submit
>abstracts for approval by the editors before the 17 May 2010 deadline to
>allow for feedback and suggestions, however full papers may still be sent
>after this date as long as we receive them by 5 July 2010.
>All eligible submissions will be sent for double-blind peer-review. Early
>submission is highly encouraged as the review process will commence on
>submission. Please read the Submission Guidelines before submitting work.
>For more information contact:
>Jessica Coates, Jessica Coates, Project Manager, Creative Commons Clinic,
>ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, 07 3138
>8301, (jessica /at/
>PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication invites early career, PhD and
>Masters researchers to peer-review its scholarly submissions. If you would
>like to apply, please submit a 150 word bio as well as a CV highlighting
>research projects, publications and paper presentations.
>PLATFORM is an international peer-review graduate journal, available online
>through open-access.
>PLATFORM is refereed by an international board of established and emerging
>scholars working across diverse paradigms in Media and Communication. It is
>edited by graduate students at the University of Melbourne, and published b=
>the School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne.
>Esther Chin (Founding Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 1)
>Amira Firdaus (Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 2 Issue 1)
>Dale Leorke (Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 2 Issue 2)
>Sandy Joy Watson (Deputy Editor and Peer-Review Coordinator)
>Luke van Ryn (Associate Editor)
>Christopher Traficante (Essays Editor)
>Ruhie Kumar (Reviews Editor)
>Gin Chee Tong (Website and Creative Editor)
>Marcos Dias (Website Editor)
>James Donald (Website Editor)
>Blaise Murphet
>Akina Mikami (Journal Manager)
>Lana Logam (Assistant Journal Manager)
>Maria Shi (Communications Officer)
>Advising Editor:
>Ingrid Volkmer, University of Melbourne, Australia
>Board Members:
>Sean Cubitt, University of Melbourne, Australia
>Jenny Lee, University of Melbourne, Australia
>Mark Davis, University of Melbourne, Australia
>Brian Fitzgerald, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
>Benjamin De Cleen, Young Scholars Network, ECREA
>Joanna Redden, Young Scholars Network, ECREA
>Tamara Witschge, Young Scholars Network, ECREA
>Stefania Milan, Emerging Scholars Network, IAMCR
>Michele Cheng Hoon Khoo, Student Board, ICA
>Malte Hinrichsen, Student Board, ICA
>Diana Bossio, ANZCA
>PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication
>Email: (platformjmc /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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