We are pleased to announce that Observatorio (OBS*) journal's latest issue
is now available.
It includes contributions from
scholars from Belgium, China, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden,
Portugal, and United Kingdom, published in English, Spanish, and
Portuguese, is now available to any interested reader, free of charge
simply go to the website [ http://obs.obercom.pt ] and register.
OberCom, Observatory for the Media, is one of Portugalâ??s premier centres
on media research. Its peer-review journal, Observatorio(OBS*), is an
online, multimedia, open access, academic character publication. It is an
interdisciplinary e-journal which, although focused in communication, is
opened to the contributions of other subjects which claim themselves as
part of the Communication Studiesâ?? areas, from academia to the
business-related world.
Observatorio (OBS*) e-journal is a publication with international
character, which accepts and publishes texts written in Portuguese,
Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, French and English.
OberCom also publishes a monthly Newsletter in English. You are welcome to
submit news of interest to the international research community to
(obercom /at/ obercom.pt) .More information about the centre and its publications
is available at http://www.obercom.pt/en .
We hope you will find this project of interest to your research activity
and that, in a near future, we will be able to count with you work among
the authors published at Observatorio (OBS*) journal.
Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha
Information Quality Assessment and Source Selection on the Internet for
Competitive Intelligence: Fieldwork Research on 53 executives
Jeremy Depauw
Europeanisation on the Internet? The Role of German Party Websites in the
2004 European Parliamentary Elections
Eva Johanna Schweitzer
Regulation of advertising in audio-visual media services: the impact on
consumer protection, investments, innovation and competition
Martijn Poel, Jop Esmeijer
La gestión de la comunicación corporativa en los clubes profesionales en
Fernando Olabe
Bases do estudo do comportamento do consumidor em um contexto global
Raquel Marques Carriço Ferreira
Radio and the Web: Communication Strategies of Spanish Radio Networks on
the Web (2006-2008)
Elsa Moreno, Pilar MartÃnez-Costa, Avelino Amoedo
Communication Research in Europe (2002-2013). An Analysis of Competitive
Projects Approved under the European Unionâ??s Sixth and Seventh Framework
Marta Civil i Serra, Núria Claver López
Portugal olhado pelo cinema como centro imaginário de um Império: Campo
Maria do Carmo Piçarra
Locating the Self in Web 2.0: explorations in creativity, identity and
digital expression
Bridgette Wessels
A patchwork of online community-based systems: can social software be used
to augment online individual social capital?
Peter Mechant
Análisis de las barreras en la compra de servicios turÃsticos por
Internet: implicaciones para la gestión comercial en el sector
MarÃa Pilar MartÃnez, Alicia
Izquierdo-Yusta, Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco
Development of Digital Satellite Pay TV in Spain (2004-2008)
Sagrario Beceiro
â??Nothing, late and analogueâ?? How organizations utilized their websites
to respond to issues covered by Swedish mainstream online news
Michael Bo Karlsson
Case Study of Lesbianâ??s Health Hotline in Peripheral Chinese City
Jin Cao, Mao Cao
Point of listening in a radio fiction: the eternal problem
Emma Rodero Antón