Archive for publications, 2009

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[ecrea] new book: Civil Society Media and Global Governance

Tue Oct 27 05:56:57 GMT 2009

Civil Society Media and Global Governance
Intervening into the World Summit on the Information Society
Arne Hintz, 2009, Münster: Lit

"How do community, alternative and citizens media activists and advocates interact with global media policy processes? Are their concerns recognised, and do new forms of multi-stakeholder governance offer a place for them? Focusing on the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society, "Civil Society Media and Global Governance" examines agendas and strategies of media actors, traces successes and failures, and proposes a new conceptual framework for the relation of these media with global policy processes."

The book came out earlier this year, and the author's affiliation details on the book and the publisher's website are already out-dated (which also demonstrates the nomadic culture of academia...). But I'm pretty sure the content isn't quite out-dated yet.

The book is in English but appeared with a small German publisher, therefore it may only be available via German distribution sites (such as, rather than If there is a problem to get hold of it, I will try to help.

Arne Hintz

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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