Archive for calls, 2024

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[Commlist] Call for Papers Illustration & Heritage: Sharing Histories to Draw Out Futures

Mon Feb 05 15:08:53 GMT 2024

Call for Papers

ILLUSTRATION & HERITAGE: Sharing Histories to Draw Out Futures

On 22 and 23 November 2024, the 14th Annual International Illustration Research Symposium will explore the role illustration plays in cultural heritage. Hosted by the Illustration programme at Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London, Illustration & Heritage: Sharing Histories to Draw Out Futures will present panels, papers, and posters by practitioners and researchers from the fields of illustration and heritage, who explore the active processes of heritage-making.

In what ways do contemporary illustrators participate in historical narratives and give voice to people and communities — both remembered and forgotten — through their work?

How are historical relics, places, and events represented through illustrative processes? How do researchers and practitioners in heritage utilise the practices, research methods and processes of illustration?

How does heritage shape the perspectives, positions, and identities of illustration practitioners and researchers? How is the process of heritage-making practised by illustrators around the world?

How do illustrative processes — and the shared languages of categorising, curating, conserving, and communicating heritage — bring illustration into the realms of archaeology, museology, curation, and other heritage practices?

Do illustrators who engage with heritage-making as part of their practice communicate and reflect what Stuart Hall described as a ‘collective social memory’?

Who should be making the images that shape the future histories of culture and identity?

When practising heritage-making with or through illustration, how do we make space for plurality, and how do we reflect on our subjectivity?

  Harrison, Rodney (2005) ‘Beyond “Natural” and “Cultural” Heritage: Toward an Ontological Politics of Heritage in the Age of Anthropocene’, Heritage & Society, 8(1). 24–42.

  Hall, Stuart (1999) ‘Whose Heritage? Un-settling the Heritage, Re-imaging the Post-Nation’, Third Text, 13(49). 3–13.


*Call for Papers and Posters*

The call for papers and poster proposals is now open: please submit your interest by 23 March, 2024. All submissions should be in .pdf format and emailed to: (illustrationandheritage /at/ <mailto:(illustrationandheritage /at/>

To submit a paper proposal, include:

•              Working paper title

•              A 300-word written proposal detailing how the paper relates to the symposium themes

•              3 images maximum

•              100-word biography and affiliation

•              Reference to a symposium theme or prompt listed on the site []

To submit a poster proposal, include:

•              Working poster title

•              150-word written proposal detailing how the visual work relates to the symposium themes and key word poster prompts listed here

•              5 images maximum (from your own practice and/or research)

•              100-word biography and affiliation

•              Reference to one key term from the list of poster prompts (personal interpretations of the key term prompts are welcome). To view the prompts, please visit []

Posters will be exhibited alongside the symposium. Posters can be fully illustrational. Format specifications and practicalities for poster printing and display will be shared after the submission deadline has passed.


No payment from the authors will be required to submit abstracts, proposals or papers. Conference attendance fee is independent from author submission acceptance.

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