Archive for calls, November 2023

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[Commlist] CFP. Intermirades 2024. Intersecting Perspectives on Spanish Media: Women and Horror

Wed Nov 29 13:15:08 GMT 2023

II International Permanent Seminar Intersecting Perspectives on Spanish Media: Women and Horror

June 13th and 14th, Campus Madrid-Puerta Toledo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

The University Institute for Spanish Cinema of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the TECMERIN research group are hosting the II International Permanent Seminar "Intersecting Perspectives on Spanish Media." It is intended to become an annual meeting to reflect on Spanish media through an intersectional feminist lens. The theme for this second edition will be "Women and Horror."

Few genres in Spanish cinema and TV enjoy as much popularity both nationally and internationally as horror. Since the 1970s, it has become a barometer of the fears and anxieties of Spanish society, seasoned with its ability to devise imaginative ways to navigate Francoist censorship. In the 21stcentury, the heirs of those creators have replicated motifs and archetypes while updating their treatment. Among the main innovations, it is worth highlighting the incorporation of new themes such as environmental degradation, the scarcity of natural resources, and, of course, ideas stemming from the fourth wave of feminism. Thus, the representation of female characters evolves and mutates to embrace the demands of a new generation. The originality and relevance of their proposals are attested by the widespread national and international circulation of Spanish horror films, whether in movie theaters or on platforms.

Although the horror genre and its dominant approaches remain predominantly male, there is a growing number of female directors, writers, and creators committed to redefining the genre through a new sensitivity. Such is the case with Isabel Coixet, Paula Ortiz, Isabel Peña, Carlota Pereda or Alice Waddington. In their works, one can discern a reflection on the conflict between tradition and modernity, identity struggle, and resistance to structural machismo and heteropatriarchy.

This seminar aims to address the relationship between women and horror in Spanish cinema and TV from various perspectives, with special attention to contemporary works, but without overlooking the influence that past works have had on present views in terms of themes, representation, or circulation. We invite submissions of papers or video essays on the following topics:


    Horror works directed and/or written by women.


    Social and aesthetic representation of women in horror films and TV


    Genre hybridity, horror & gender.


    Horror subgenres (slasher, zombie films etc.) and gender


    Female stars & horror.


    Horror & the representation of LGBTQI+ subjectivities and bodies.


    Horror, gender & class.


    Distribution and consumption of Horror Films and its relationship
    with gender.


    Connections between Spanish media and other industries with a
    special focus on Latin America.

Confirmed Keynote speakers:


    Catherine Grant (Honorary Professor at Aarhus Universitet)


    Barbara Zecchi (Professor at University of Massachusetts, Amherst)


You may submit proposals in Spanish or English until February 15, 2024.

Those interested in participating should send a proposal to the email address (tecmerin /at/ <mailto:(tecmerin /at/>, including their name, institutional affiliation, email address, title of the presentation, format (videographic or oral), abstract (max. 250 words), bibliographic references (between 3 and 5), and a

brief biography (max. 150 words). Maximum presentation time: 15 minutes.


 All individuals whose proposals have been accepted must pay the registration fee.

  Ph.D. holders: €100

Postgraduate students (Master's and Ph.D.): €50

Attendees without a presentation who wish to receive a certificate of attendance: 50 €

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