Archive for calls, November 2023

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[Commlist] CFP: Shifting Stereotypes: Gender and Sexuality in South Asian Media

Mon Nov 20 10:27:12 GMT 2023

*_Call for Book Chapters_*

*Book Title - Shifting Stereotypes: Gender and Sexuality in South Asian Media*

*Concept Note:***

The mediation of gender and sexuality in many aspects of media production, representation, and reception has been a crucial research subject. Theorists like Stuart Hall have claimed that media is not only a reflection of society but also actively shapes its narratives. While there are certain instances that question prejudices and test their limits, the media has also been known to reinforce the exact stereotypes that it seeks to resist unintentionally. This dichotomy shows the complexity of the media’s function: on the one hand, it displays a range of human experiences and ignites identity-related conversations; on the other, it juggles the tensions of questioning conventional practices while sometimes supporting them. There is a palpable resistance to such practices, where the intentional actions, representations, and narratives directly contradict or challenge mainstream narratives. Additionally, acts of resistance against these dominant discourses are multilayered and often characterised by quiet negotiations, amends, and defiance. Sadly, they have not been documented well in academia. Therefore, it becomes essential to re-think stereotypes in terms of their modifications, negotiations, and continuity in the age of neo-liberalism.

Intricacies of gender and sexuality have historically been woven into an intricate fabric of cultural norms, religious beliefs, and social expectations in South Asian countries. These prejudices have dictated norms of lived realities and suppressed resistance to stereotypes. This edited volume aims to critically engage with stereotypes and resistance to them (related to gender and sexuality) within the South Asian media landscape. Specifically, it emphasises the capacity of individuals to act, resist, and modify these stereotypes. Given the nuanced nature of resistance, the role of media in creating ‘astereotypical’ representations, such as Konkona Sen Sharma’s Bharti in Neeraj Ghaywan’s /Geeli Pucchi/ and Trinetra Haldar Gummaraju’s Meher Chaudhry in /Made in Heaven (Season 2)/, and the inherent dynamics of acceptance and rejection by the audience, there exists a profound space for investigation and discourse. One needs to examine these stereotypes from a South Asian perspective as the idea/geographical reality of South Asia shares certain common historical moments of a colonial past and celebrates diverse lived experiences and subjectivities. The intersections between media, gender, and sexuality with varied social categories from a South Asian perspective will engage in a dialogue with a large body of knowledge about this domain.

*Objectives of the Book:***

·To engage with an approach that emphasises individual agency, focusing on the negotiated forms of self-determination in opposition to dominant discourses on gender and sexuality.

·To look beyond mainstream media, including cinema, television, OTT and internet portals, that have received much attention, and focus on folk music, theatre, niche publications, community radio, YouTube channels, and other unorthodox media (collectively referred to as ‘alternative media’, hereon).

·To examine how the realities of race, age, ability, ethnicity, class, caste, religion, region, and nationality intersect in complex ways with those of gender, sexuality, and media.

*We invite submissions from scholars across these countries: India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka*.

*Key themes to explore:*

·Resistance and alternative representation in mainstream media

·Discursive practices and frames on gender and sexuality in alternative media

·Geopolitics and Mediated Geographies of Gender & Sexuality

·Alternative Media Production: From Activists, Bloggers & YouTubers

·Gender and Sexuality through Mobile Phone

·Literary Representations

·National Identities, Gender and Sexuality

·Feminist activism in alternative media

·LGBTQIA+ movement and alternative media

·Gender, sexuality, and community media

·Non-hegemonic masculinities and alternative media

·Queer identities and media production/reception

·Gender, sexuality, human rights and alternative media

*Submission Guidelines:*

Chapter Proposal should be prepared along the following lines:

·An extended abstract of not more than 500 words with 4 to 6 keywords clearly mentioning the objectives, research questions, methodology and relevance of the study (British spellings)

·Language: English only (authors may use translation services)

·Font Specifications: Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing

·Name, Designation, Email, Mobile Number and Institutional Affiliation of Author(s) at the end

·Accompanying document (separate file): an up to 2-page C.V. of each author

Proposals and C.V. should be sent no later than *_1^st  December 2023_* to *(shiftingstereotypesbook /at/ <mailto:(shiftingstereotypesbook /at/>*. The same ID can be used to contact for answers to any queries.

*Notification about acceptance of abstracts: 20^th  December, 2023*

*Post-Selection of Abstracts*: There will be an *online writing workshop* for the authors of the selected abstracts from renowned academicians in the field of gender, sexuality, and media, who will provide guidelines for drafting one’s chapter for the edited volume.

*Publisher*: We are looking for a publisher of an international repute to bring out this volume.

*There is no publication fee*

*Expected Publication*: End of 2024/Beginning of 2025.


Dr. Pranta Pratik Patnaik (Assistant Professor)

Mr. Mehul Agarwal (Research Scholar)

Department of Culture and Media Studies

Central University of Rajasthan (India)

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