Archive for calls, November 2023

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[Commlist] "Social Media and Government" track of the dg.o 2024 - Digital Government Conference

Sun Nov 19 13:06:40 GMT 2023

The Call for Papers for the dg.o 2024 - Digital Government Conference to be held in June 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan: <>.

We would like to invite you to consider applying for the *"Social Media and Government*", managed by Rodrigo Sandoval Almazan (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México), J. Ignacio Criado <> (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid <>, Spain) and Nadzeya Sabatini (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland).

The potential of social media and government maintains its growing interest for scholars and managers in parallel with the evolution of technologies and advances in the field. As it has been experienced during the last years, this area of digital government research is one of the most dynamic including the attention to new audiences, metrics, platforms, uses, and regarding evolving every year. During the last years, we have learned about the risks for governments and political institutions using social media. At the same time innovation capabilities have emerge from the last evolutions of social media and government. Among other issues, TikTok or virtual reality, and other social platforms and areas have abruptly emerged as global players in the entertainment sector, promoting government and other actors to engage with new audiences and social groups. Besides, some political and public institutions challenges remain in process of evolution. Here, some of the key aspects include polarization of the public sphere, growing claims about the potential harm of social media for our democratic communities, or the potential limitations of institutional communications with citizens because of the lack of trained human resources and government specialists.

For this year’s theme - “Internet of Beings: Transforming Public Governance” - we especially will welcome papers related to the conference’s central theme – the Internet of Beings focuses on digital technologies that enable integration, are people-centric, and the creation of open platforms for collaborative multi-user to co-create services and products. Particularly, the post-COVID-19 has forced government, private, and non-profit agencies worldwide to find new ways to deliver services, and this is especially important using social media technologies. In addition, we are open to other aspects of governments’ service delivery and social media, including theoretical and conceptual advancements, methodological and data innovations, or case and practical implications coming from diverse contexts. We will welcome papers on both traditional and emerging issues, including opportunities, risks, and policies in public services delivery in cross-national contexts, social media motivations to use and audiences, political mobilizations and polarization, social media contents and sentiment analysis, fake news, artificial intelligence and algorithms-based systems and virtual agents in government, instant messaging apps in government, entertainment platforms for political engagement, or social media for crisis and emergency management. Also, we will continue working on including exciting research questions, rigorous empirical studies, and in-depth case studies to enrich the theories, research methods, data, and available cases and practical applications in this research area.


January 26, 2024: Papers, workshops, tutorials, and panels are due

February 15, 2024: Application deadline for doctoral colloquium

March 8, 2024: Author notifications (papers, workshops, tutorials, panels)

March 10, 2024: Posters and demo proposals due

March 15, 2024: Poster/demo author notifications

March 22, 2024: Author registrations are due

March 15, 2024: Doctoral colloquium notification

March 31, 2024: Paper revision due (straight to TAPS)

March 31, 2024: Early registration closes (this is only on the website)

April 01, 2024: Regular registration begins

April 30, 2024: ACM Copyrights approval and TAPS due)

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