Archive for calls, November 2023

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[Commlist] CfP Celebrity Studies Conference 2024: 'Celebrity Crises and Conflicts'

Mon Nov 06 21:50:40 GMT 2023

/Call for Papers____/

/5^th International Celebrity Studies Conference: Celebrity Crises and Conflicts/____

July 1-3, 2024, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands____

Routledge, the journal /Celebrity Studies/, and the University of Amsterdam are pleased to announce the fifth Celebrity Studies conference. The conference will take place in Amsterdam, July 1^st to 3^rd . ____

The 5^th /International Celebrity Studies Conference/ will be themed ‘Celebrity Crises and Conflicts’. This subject will run through our plenaries and form a strand running throughout the conference. The conference welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines that generate new ways of thinking and understanding celebrity: from film, television, literary, digital media, (art) history and theatre studies through to psychology, sociology, politics, etc.____

The conference team invites proposals for individual papers, pre-constituted panels, and masterclasses. Deadline for all proposals: December 8th, 2023. Successful abstracts will be notified by: December 22nd, 2023. Please see <> for all details.____

Enquiries/abstracts to: (celebritystudies /at/ <mailto:(celebritystudies /at/> ____

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