Archive for calls, November 2023

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[Commlist] One day conference: Music higher education and inequalities 24 November University of Southampton and Online

Sun Nov 05 19:18:23 GMT 2023

Free one-day conference featuring Anna Bull, Roberta Comunian and Anamik Saha:

*Slow Train Coming: One Year On**____*

/Setting a research agenda for exploring inequalities in higher music education/____

*Centre for Research in Music Education and Social Justice, University of Southampton and online, 24th November 2023*____

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In November 2022, the Equality, Diversity and Music Studies Network published its report /Slow Train Coming:/ <>/ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in UK Music Higher Education. /This report drew on data on students and staff in UK music higher education between 2016–20 to reveal who is represented – and who is not represented – in music higher education. It also described the EDI work that departments are carrying out to address these issues.____

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This one-day event –- the first conference to be hosted by the new Centre for Music Education and Social Justice at the University of Southampton –- aims to set a research agenda to explore, explain, and contextualise these findings. ____

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Click here <> to register for attending either in person at the University of Southampton campus, or online (via Teams). ____

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*Registration deadlines: 17 November for in person attendance; 23 November for online attendance. *____

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/Exact room numbers on Southampton’s Highfield Campus will be circulated to participants registered to attend in person in advance of the conference. /____

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*10am* Coffee ____

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*10.30am* Introductions and welcome____

Tom Irvine: welcome from the music department ____

Erin Johnson-Williams Introduction and welcome ____

Amy Blier-Carruthers Welcome from EDIMS____

*10.40am* Anna Bull (University of York) Introducing /Slow Train Coming <>/<>and outlining research pathways forward

*11.15am* Roberta Comunian (King’s College London): new research into inequalities in creative arts higher education <>____

*11.40* Respondent: Professor Anamik Saha (Leeds University) ____

*11.50 *Discussion and questions____

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*12.15pm* Lunch (provided)____

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*1.15* Panel 1 - Intersectional gender inequalities in UK music higher education (Chair: Anna Bull)____

Description: Slow Train Coming outlined the under-representation of women among undergraduate and PhD students and academic staff, despite relatively high numbers of women doing postgraduate (non-doctorate) music degrees. This panel aims to illuminate the ways in which these gender inequalities manifest in different areas of UK music higher education. Key questions:____

  * How do the wider patterns of gender inequality in Slow Train Coming
    relate to local patterns of gender inequalities within specific
    institutions or areas of music higher education?/____/
  * How do these inequalities affect different intersectional groups,
    including those with marginalised gender identities?/____/
  * How do these inequalities affect the pathways of women, non-binary
    and trans people through music higher education and into the

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  * Elizabeth MacGregor /____/
  * Enya Doyle /____/
  * Vick Bain /____/

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*2.30pm *Short break ____

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*2.45pm* Panel 2 - Legacies of inequality / pathways to inclusion (Chair: Erin Johnson-Williams)____


This panel explores some of the historical legacies and experiences of exclusion that have shaped contemporary patterns of inequality in UK Music. Drawing on the EDIMS Slow Train Coming report, the panellists will explore patterns of social inequality that pervade the UK music industry and UK higher education, and pathways to inclusion based on their research and / or practice.____

Questions for the discussion include:____

__·__How do social inequalities shape UK music**higher education?____

__·__How did the EDIMS Slow Train Coming 2022 report reflect some of the inequalities explored in your research / practice?____

__·__How are these inequalities formed through historical legacies?____

__·__What pathways to inclusion could make a difference in the future?____

__·__Is a focus on ‘the music itself’ a barrier to change?____

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  * Sarah Scarsbrook & Danielle Child ____
  * Howard Monk____
  * Amy Williamson____
  * Hyunah Cho____

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*4pm* Next steps for research into inequalities in music higher education from authors of the report and from EDIMS founder(s) (Chair: Chiying Lam)____

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  * Diljeet Bhachu____
  * Helen Minors____
  * Amy Blier-Carruthers____
  * Anna Bull____


*4.30pm* Close/ Refreshments____

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To read a short overview of the report, see the WonkHE coverage here <>.____

To read the full report or watch a presentation based on the findings, please see here <>. ____

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We aim to ensure everyone has equal access to public events. If you need alternative formats or other reasonable adjustments, please email (cmesj /at/ <mailto:(cmesj /at/>or (e.johnson-williams /at/ <mailto:(e.johnson-williams /at/> with your request so that arrangements, where possible, can be made.____

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