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[Commlist] Social Media Culture '21 conference (UAI)

Wed Oct 27 06:58:30 GMT 2021

“Social Media Culture ’21 conference”
Culture of algorithms in an ever-changing media environment

Organized by: School of Communications & Journalism, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI-Chile)

Dates: November 3-4 (virtual conference, English and Spanish)

Registration: <>

The use of artificial intelligence and automation in the creation process and information analysis is quickly moving forward in the media and entertainment industry. On the one hand, journalists and content creators can measure and analyze the behavior of audiences in different digital platforms through a series of metrics. How can these possibilities to understand the behavior of audiences can influence the creation of information? Which type of cultures can emerge surrounding the centrality of these metrics in regard to the news production and entertainment content?

On the other hand, regards to the news, the most important news outlets have already started to produce news using computational algorithms, which raises pressing questions about their role in the generation of news: will they be creators, will they replace the news or will they represent an aid? Furthermore, their use raises serious questions about how people perceive and assess this new way of doing journalism.

Through the presentations of leading scholars in their fields, the Social Media '21 Conference will address the role of automation and artificial intelligence in the creation of news, as well as the different cultures that emerge within journalism and the content creation surrounding metrics in an ever-changing media context.

Day 1 (3/11)

Algorithmic cultures: from the mass media economy to the platform economy


Angèle Christin

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Affiliated professor in the Faculty of Sociology and the Science, Technology and Society Program of Stanford University.

Alexandrea Ravenelle

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapell Hill.


Arturo Arriagada

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communications and Journalism of UAI. Director of Social Media Culture Lab.

DAY 2 (4/11)

Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the news

Andrea L. Guzman

Associate Professor at the Communications Department, University of Northern Illinois

Tomás Dodds

Postdoctoral Researcher on artificial intelligence and automation at the AI Lab, Media, Democracy at the University of Amsterdam


Carmina Rodríguez

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of UAI. Director of Robot Lab.

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