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[Commlist] Panels for the Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies Conference in Rome

Sun Oct 24 12:32:17 GMT 2021

*/Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies/*


*Conference in Rome: 16-18 June 2022*




*Panel: Narratives of violence and activism: Plurimedial constellations of memory between Italy and Latin America*

Organizers: Maria Bonaria Urban (Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome)and Monica Jansen (Utrecht University)

With the conception of ‘plurimedial constellations of memory’ (Erll 2014), this panel starts from the assumption that narratives of violence and activism are mediated by cultural practices and productions that interconnect Italy and Latin America in time and space. Both post-World War II geographies are characterized by specific configurations of cultural memory, ‘divided’ between fascist and anti-fascist legacies in the case of Italy, and modelled on the counter-narrative of testimony in that of Latin America. Furthermore, transnational contacts and mobilities between both continents in different historical periods have promoted a hybridization of local, national and international memories and cultural practices. This panel aims therefore to shed light on how plurimedial constellations of memory can foster a critical reflection on the transnational impact of national cultures and policies of violence and activism across the Atlantic. Narratives to be analyzed could be related, but are not limited to, memories of golpe and revolución and their aftermath, ranging from the Cuban revolution to Peronism in Argentina, to the Mexican Dirty War and to the ‘Desaparecidos’ in different Latin American countries. Contributions could focus on: imageries, genres and discourses; ideologies (fascism, nationalism, communism, Maoism, anarchism, populism, democracy, colonialism…); subjectivities (victims, perpetrators, martyrs, activists, politicians, militaries, priests, women, indigenous people, migrants, Jews, ...); transgenerational and diasporic memory practices; different aspects of transnationalism (cultural production, reception, displacement, translation, multilingualism, …).

Please send a 250-word proposal including your name and last name, academic affiliation, email address and a 100-word bionote.

Please send your proposal to: Maria Bonaria Urban ((M.B.Urban /at/ <mailto:(M.B.Urban /at/>) and Monica Jansen ((m.m.jansen /at/ <mailto:(m.m.jansen /at/>) by *5 December 2021*. Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent out to authors by *30 December 2021.*

The languages of the conference are English and Italian

*Proposals for virtual papers will not be considered.*


*Panel: Italian Television Past, Present and Future*

Organizer: Flavia Brizio-Skov (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Chair: Annachiara Mariani (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Since its inception, television has evolved into a key form of cultural expression that reflects and influences people’s attitudes and behavior, portraying their tensions and anxieties, hopes and desires, and incarnating social and cultural variables. Our panel is looking for contributions that address one or more of the following six topics that have shaped the establishment of Italian television studies as a distinct academic discipline and keep driving television study today:

Italian Television’s Past, Present, and Future
Television and the Italian Nation in an Era of Globalization
Italian Television and Politics
Television, Text, and Identity

Television and Italian History - Mediation and Remediation

Digital Television

Please send a 250-word proposal including your name and last name, academic affiliation, email address and a 100-word bionote.

Please send your proposal to: Flavia Brizio-Skov ((fbrizio /at/ <mailto:(fbrizio /at/>)and Annachiara Mariani, ((amariani /at/ <mailto:(amariani /at/>) by *5 December 2021*. Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent out to authors by *30 December 2021.*

The languages of the conference are English and Italian

*Proposals for virtual papers will not be considered.*



*Roundtable: 90 Years of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome*

Organizers: Flavia Laviosa (Wellesley College) and Jim Carter (Boston University)

On 26 March 1932, Italy’s first and most prominent film school opened its doors to students. Two years later, the Scuola Nazionale di Cinematografia was renamed the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (CSC). On the occasion of its 90th anniversary (26 March 2022), this roundtable intends to both reflect on the history of the CSC and to trace new lines of research. It takes its cue from a series of recent articles and interviews about the CSC published in the /Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies/, especially “International Students at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia” by Flavia Laviosa, Alfredo Baldi, Jim Carter and Diego Bonelli (9.2.2021). This article set forth a list of about 400 names of international students enrolled at the CSC between 1935 and 2020. Contributions to this roundtable may aim to engage with this list, reflect on the global history of the CSC or propose goals for future research.

Please send a 250-word proposal including your name and last name, academic affiliation, email address and a 100-word bionote.

Please send your proposal to: Flavia Laviosa ((flaviosa /at/ <mailto:(flaviosa /at/>)  and Jim Carter  ((jcarter /at/ <mailto:(jcarter /at/>) by *5 December 2021*. Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent out to authors by *30 December 2021.*

The languages of the conference are English and Italian

*Proposals for virtual papers will not be considered.*

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