Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] Call for papers: SAC on Social Networks

Fri Mar 30 07:41:38 GMT 2018

Call for Papers*

IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) SAC on Social Networks

(December 9 to 13, 2018 in Abu Dhabi)

*Scope and Motivation:*

Recently, social network research has advanced rapidly with the prevalence of the online social applications and mobile social communications systems. Online social networks have generated a significant share of the Internet traffic and become a dominant form of social interactions on the Internet. In addition to utilizing a desktop computer to write blogs, upload photos and chat with friends, an explosively increasing number of people are now used to share personal contents to friends on the fly with mobile devices, thanks to the development of broadband wireless networks and location sensing technologies. Facing this trend, researchers are increasingly interested in addressing a wide spectrum of challenges in social networks, such as developing social-aware algorithms for communications systems, identifying the static topological common structures and information/influence flows, analyzing the dynamic social media and evolutions of social graphs, and exploiting location-based and contextual information embedded in mobile social networks to create innovative applications. In light of the above crucial needs, Selected Areas in Communication Symposium in Social Networks will serve as a forum for researchers and technologists to discuss the state-of-the-art, present their contributions, and set future directions in social networks.

*Main Topics of Interest:*

In light of this trend, Selected Areas on Communication Symposium in Social Networks solicits original research papers on topics including, but not limited to:

  * Applying social network analysis to network design and distributed
  * Graphical modeling and analysis of networked and computing systems
  * Social network analysis to facilitate cognition and intelligence in
    networking and computing
  * Leveraging social network analysis to big data analytics, machine
    learning, multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence
  * Data analytics related to network science
  * Artificial intelligence (machine learning) related to networks,
    communications, and multi-agent systems
  * Cognition and related computing in general networking domain
  * Discovery of communities in large-scale social networks
  * Analysis of dynamics and trends in the evolutions of social networks
  * Modeling of information propagation and loss in social networks
  * Influence optimization for viral marketing in social networks
  * Analysis and control of belief and rumor in social environments
  * Analysis of social media, trust, and reputation
  * Privacy, security, and anomaly detection in social network
  * Data mining, machine learning, information retrieval, and artificial
    intelligence in social contexts
  * Recommendations in commercial social systems
  * Social signal processing
  * Social-aware network solutions in communications systems
  * Cross-layer design for social networks and the underlying
    communications platforms
  * Optimization and protocol design for mobile social networks
  * Infrastructure, platform, protocol design, and optimization for
    mobile social clouds and social Internet-of-Things
  * Innovative applications in social networks and services for mobile
    Internet, multimedia networks, mobile e-commerce, and cyber-physical
  * New services for social network platforms
  * Visualization and layout of complex social networks and structures
  * Social network functionality for health care, journalism, politics,
    and other related fields
  * Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research on social networks

All final submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring additional page charges. Papers exceeding 7 pages will not be accepted at EDAS.

Notable dates are as follows:

·Paper submission deadline: 15 April 2018

·Acceptance Notification: 15 July 2018

·Camera-Ready: 15 August 2018

Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX formats are found here:

All abstracts/papers should be submitted to:

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