Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] Call for chapter: Blockchain and Web 3.0: Social, economic, and technological challenges

Wed Mar 28 14:39:29 GMT 2018

Call for Chapters (Deadline for abstracts: **10 April 2018**)

*Blockchain and Web 3.0: Social, economic, and technological challenges*

Editors have been working with Emily Briggs (Commissioning Editor for Sociology, Routledge) to prepare this proposal.


Massimo Ragnedda, Northumbria University at Newcastle.

Giuseppe Destefanis, School of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire.

Deadline for abstracts: **10 April 2018**

Notification of acceptance: 20 April 2018

Submission Date: 20 September 2018

Blockchain is no longer just about bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general, but it can be seen as a disruptive and revolutionary technology, which will have major impacts on multiple aspects of our lives. The revolutionary power of such technology can be compared with the revolution sparked by the world wide web and the Internet in general. As the Internet can be seen as a mean for sharing information, so blockchain technologies can be seen as a way to introduce the next level: blockchain allows the possibility of sharing value. This book seeks to underline the risks and opportunities offered by the advent of blockchain technologies and the rise of the web 3.0. Given the nature, the implications and consequences of this new technology, this book will proceed from an interdisciplinary perspective. The core analysis in the book is explaining how such technologies are disruptive and, further, to explain the concrete consequences of these disruptions, in terms of social, economic and technological consequences. We anticipate that the comparative examination of these features will be helpful to clarify the dynamics and consequences of the blockchain technologies in a variety of disciplines settings. Thus, the volume integrates a number of chapters examining disparate settings around the world, all unified around their focus on the phenomenon of blockchain in comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.

*Proposed structure*

The book will explore a range of conceptual issues brought to the fore by the digital turn using blockchain case studies. Each chapter should detail its theoretical trajectory and provide at least one case study exemplar.The book will be divided into three main parts:

·Blockchain and Digital Media

·Technological aspects and consequences of decentralized technologies

·Socio-economic aspects and consequences of decentralized technologies

Abstracts should include the following information:

·Proposed article title

·Proposed author names and affiliations

·Part (Digital Media, Technological and Socio-economic consequences) and theme being addressed

·Purpose/aim of the chapter

·Principal body of literature/theoretical framework

·Indicative case study

Submission Procedure

You are invited to submit a word document with a brief author or authors CV (no more than 250 words with titles, affiliations, and contacts), title of the proposal and the abstract (500-700 words). All proposal should be submitted to the following addresses:

(massimo.ragnedda /at/ <mailto:(massimo.ragnedda /at/>

(g.destefanis /at/ <mailto:(g.destefanis /at/>

**Deadline is 10 April 2018.**

The final decision will be notified to the authors by 20 April 2018. Authors will be invited to send a full text by 20 September 2018. The chapter’s length will be 5000-6000 words, including references. Submitted chapters should not have been previously published or sent to another editor.

Our tasks and the proposed timeline are as follows:

•30 April 2018 - Completion of Proposal and Submission to Routledge

•20 September 2018 – Manuscripts Due to Editors from All Contributors

•20 October 2018 – Review of Manuscripts Completed & Manuscripts Returned to Contributors

•20 December 2019 – Revised Manuscripts Due from Contributors

•10 January 2019 – Final Manuscript Delivered to Publisher

•X/XX/XX – Final Appearance in Print Will Depend on Publisher’s Timeline

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