Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CfP - Bridges of Media Education 2018

Wed Mar 28 14:39:21 GMT 2018

CfP -Bridges of Media Education 2018 <>

10th International Scientific Conference – 14th -15th September, Novi Sad

Celebrating its tenth edition */The Bridges of Media Education/* aims at gathering researchers from the Western Balkans region and from Europe in exchange of scientific knowledge and experience. Thematically oriented towards regional challenges and questions brought by digital technologies, the conference enables discussions about global processes in the light of local specificities.

The themes of the conference in 2018 are:

 1. Public broadcasting services in the context of new media
 2. Minority groups, migrants and digital communication
 3. Journalism, media practices and social networking sites
 4. Fake news and media literacy for hybrid media systems
 5. Audiences engagement: creation, curation and co-option

Working language of the conference is English.

*Introducing our Keynote Speakers*

*Giovanni Gozzini *(Italy) currently works at the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences, Università degli Studi di Siena. More information is available here <>.


*Joan Soler-Adillon *(United Kingdom) works as a Lecturer in Digital Media at the Department of Media Arts at Royal Holloway, University of London, where he teaches at the BA Film, Television and Digital Production and at the BA/BSc Digital Media Culture & Technology. More information is available here <>.

*Submitting abstract proposal *

To submit abstract proposal please fill in the form available online <>.

One author can submit only one paper. There cannot be more than two co-authors per paper.

Your application should be sent not later than *15^th April 2018*. The applications received after the deadline will not be considered. All accepted applicants will receive a notice of acceptance by *1^st May 2018*.

*Edited volume*

Selected papers that will be peer-reviewed will be published in the Edited Volume after the Conference. The deadline for submission of full length papers is *5^th September 2018*. Instructions for manuscript submission will be provided after 1^st May 2018.

*Participation fee*

Conference fee is 20 euros for PhD students and 40 euros for other participants. It covers the lunches and refreshments, as well as the visit to the Petrovaradin fortress <>. The final deadline for payment is *5^th September*. Instructions for advance payments can be provided upon request. Participants are expected to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

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