Archive for calls, March 2018

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[ecrea] CFP: International Symposium on Communication in The Digital Age

Tue Mar 20 14:18:07 GMT 2018

*Call for Papers*

It is our pleasure to announce that *International Symposium on Communication in The Digital Age (CIDA)* will be held in *Mersin, Turkey*, on *18-19 October, 2018*. Arrangements for this meeting are being handled by the *Faculty of Communication at Mersin University* under the auspices of *Communication Research Association (ILAD)* and *Deans Council of Communication Faculties (ILDEK, Turkey).*

Papers are expected to be on aspects of communication in the digital age. The Executive Committee of CIDA and the Organizing Committee invite the submission of papers. Abstracts**should be sent via Submission Form to *(cida /at/ <mailto:(cida /at/>*by *June 01, 2018*with 300-500 words in Turkish and English including 3 keywords and a short biography of the author(s) not exceeding 100 words.The proposals will go through a selection process by the Committees, and the applicants will be notified by *July 02, 2018*.

The symposium languages are English and Turkish. Papers prepared in Turkish should be accompanied by a summary in English. The early bird registration fee for the symposium is 65€ until July 16,*2018*. After this date the registration fee is 85€. Registration fee includes symposium bag, the abstracts book, certificate of participation, coffee breaks, and lunches.

Please visit the official website of *International Symposium on Communication in The Digital Age (CIDA)* for the details:

The Organizing Committee

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