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[ecrea] CFP International Symposium - "Giving voice to the voiceless? Actors, strategies and discourse"
Sat Sep 23 15:23:20 GMT 2017
*Call for paper*
*Giving voice to the voiceless?*
*Actors, strategies and discourse*
Although the problem of freedom of expression has long dominated
thinking and debate about the functioning of public arenas, the question
of access to legitimate expression for the most powerless social groups
has, over recent decades, become a public problem in its own right. The
conditions under which these groups have access to public expression,
and the audibility of their discourse, are now questioned by many actors
(associations, trade unions, political parties, intellectuals, social
workers, journalists, and so on) who are proposing strategies designed
to “give voice to the voiceless”. The objective of this symposium is to
examine, within an interdisciplinary perspective, the modalities, forms
and issues surrounding these offers to the powerless to have their
voices heard: the actors who are promoting them, the strategies shaping
them and the discourses accompanying them.
The social sciences, especially political sociology and, indeed, social
history, have until now focused mainly on the conditions of access and
legitimacy of speech for dominated groups or those with “limited
resources” in the areas where public debate is developed: among workers,
immigrants, dissenters, ethnic and sexual minorities, the homeless, the
excluded, women, children and young people^^[1] . These groups are
sometimes classed into categories such as “the unheard”, “the
invisible”, “the faceless”, “vulnerable members of the public”, or
“menial groups”.^^[2] There is little research focusing on the
categorisation which contributes to the very existence of these groups,
whether it is led by those specialising in social problems (state
agencies; professionals working in information, socio-cultural
leadership or health; social workers; militants; artists; and so on) or
by researchers themselves^^[3] . The latter have had the opportunity to
question (EHESS, March 2016) the conditions of collection, audibility,
credibility and intelligibility of words spoken by the “voiceless”^^[4] .
The American anthropologist James Scott considers that occasions when
authentic speech by “menials” is heard publicly are the exceptions
rather than the rule, and that it is more often expressed in a covert
manner or disguised in confined spaces, which are often difficult for
historians or ethnologists to access. We might question the processes
and agents who help publicise this “hidden transcript” and the effects
that their interventions may produce on this. We might also question the
nature and texture of this speech, which is all the more difficult for
the researcher to access given that he never finds it in its “raw”
state, but always partially transformed by the mechanisms determining
its conditions of enunciation and reception. In what circumstances and
on what terms do agents get to the point of taking on the role of
spokesperson or representative of these “voiceless” people, at the risk
of reproducing the symbolic capturing mechanisms that some intend
precisely to denounce? What are the mediums, forms, formats and genres
which provide the special mediations for expressing this speech? In what
way is the institutionalisation of these common-sense or scholarly
categories and problems likely to open up or close over the space of the
possible and thinkable with regard to the problems suffered by the
“voiceless”, and the solutions likely to be provided to them in the
areas of social action, distribution of wealth, education, media and
government action?
We shall, in addition, be concerned with analysing the words spoken by
these “voiceless” members of society when they manage to express
themselves publicly within the arenas or through the procedures made
available to them^^[5] . How, indeed, should we analyse these private
words that have been made public by a process of selection, of
scene-setting and of expression in words over which the speakers have,
at best, only partial control? What indications enable us to analyse the
transformations undergone by these words when they submit to being
publicised, and/or when these groups provide for themselves or are
provided with “spokespersons” to speak in their name? What repercussions
do these forms of expression produce on those who contribute to making
them visible and audible? Finally, we intend to question the conditions
under which these words are received and able to be heard: what logics
govern their circulation in the social environment? How are they
interpreted or retranslated according to the listeners who receive them?
Do the mechanisms which produce them play an emancipating role or do
they contribute to paradoxical forms of confining speakers within
imposed roles and categories?
A last line of thinking might be based upon analysing the mechanisms
themselves: the offer of being able to speak can take shape in ways as
diverse as a collection in a publishing house, a television programme,
speaking groups or blogs, or indeed in an institutional framework, be it
in education, health or the cultural domain… So many combinations, both
physical and symbolic, which will not be envisaged simply as places for
understanding subjects of investigation, but as organised spaces
organising social relations.
The symposium will have a multidisciplinary perspective and we invite
sociologists, anthropologists, cultural historians, political
scientists, semiologists, linguists and discourse analysts to present
their work and share their analyses and reflections.
[1]A few bibliographical references will give an idea of the scale and
abundance of work that has been devoted to the issue. In the domain of
sociology and political science, there are: Beaud, 2006; Bourdieu, 1993;
Braconnier and Mayer, 2015; Dubois 2008; Elias and Scotson, 1997;
Ferron, 2012; Garcia, 2013; Gaxie, 1978; Glady and Vandevelde-Rougale,
2016; Laforgue, Payet, 2008; Hamidi, 2010; Juhem and Sedel J., 2016;
Mouchard, 2009; Payet, 2011; Piven and Cloward, 1979. In history, there
are: Farge, 1998, 2004; Guillaumou, 1999; Guillaumou, Mesini, Pelen,
2004; Kershaw, 2013; and Zinn, 2004.
[2]Braconnier and Mayer, 2015; Rosanvallon, 2014; Beaud, 2006; Farge,
2004; Spivak, 1988.
[3]For exceptions to this, particularly on the “excluded” category, see
Lafarge, 2001; on the “immigrant” category, Spire, 1999; and on the
“less” category (the homeless, the jobless, those without legal
documentation, etc.), Mouchard, 2009. For a more general sociological
analysis of these “classification struggles”, see Bourdieu, 1978.
[4] Symposium /Les sciences humaines et sociales face au foisonnement
biographique. Innovations méthodologiques et diversité des approches
/[The human and social sciences faced with biographical profusion.
Methodological innovations and diversity of approach] (EHESS, Paris,
9-11 March 2016). One of the workshops was called «La parole inaudible»
[Inaudible speech].//
[5]The following references provide an initial bibliographical basis for
starting to think about these issues: Angenot, 1989; Auboussier, 2015;
Barbet-Honoré, 2013; Bilat, Lelay, 2016; Gardet, 2009; Oger, 2006;
Puccinelli-Orlandi, 1996; Juhem, Sedel, 2016; Ducard, 2016; Paveau,
2016, 2017.
ANGENOTM., « Hégémonie, dissidence et contre-discours : réflexions sur
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vol. 22, n° 2, 1989, p. 11-24
AUBOUSSIERJ. (dir.) « Discours et contre-discours dans l'espace public »
(dossier), /Semen/, n°39, 2015
BARBETD., HONORE J.-P., « Ce que se taire veut dire. Expressions et
usages politiques du silence. », /Mots. Les langages du politique/,
103(3), 2013, p. 7-21.
BEAUD S. /et al/., /La France invisible/, Paris, éd. La Découverte, 2006.
BILAT L. P. & LELAY S., « Les éboueurs en discours. Enjeux sociaux et
linguistiques d’une (in)visibilité socio-professionnelle », colloque
acteurs du discours, Besançon, 2016.
BOURDIEU P. « Classement, déclassement, reclassement », /Actes de la
recherche en sciences sociales/.24, 1978, p. 2-22.
BOURDIEU P. (dir.), /La misère du monde/, Paris, Seuil, 1993.
BRACONNIER C. et MAYER N., /Les inaudibles. Sociologie politique des
précaires/, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015.
DUCARD D., « Dar a palavra : da reportagem radiofônica à ficção
documental » , /Discurso e (des)igualda de social/, Glaucia Proença
Lara, Rita Pacheco Limberti dir., Editora Contexto, 2015, p. 109-128.
[“Rendre la parole. Du reportage radiophonique à la fiction
documentaire”, version en français disponible en ligne sur HAL]
DUCARD D. “La division sociale de la langue: la fiction d’une langue
populaire”,/ Revista de Estudos da Linguagem/, Belo Horizonte, v.26,
n.3, 2016, p. 789-814.
En ligne :
DUBOISV., /La vie au guichet : relation administrative et traitement de
la misère [1999], /Paris, 2008.
ELIAS N., SCOTSONJ. L., /Logiques de l’exclusion. Enquête sociologique
au cœur des problèmes d’une communauté /[1965], Paris, Fayard, 1997.
FARGE A., /Dire et mal dire. L’opinion publique au XVIIIe siècle/,
Paris, Seuil, 1998.
FARGE A., /Sans visages. L’impossible regard sur le pauvre/, Paris,
Bayard, 2004.
FERRON B., « Giving Voice to the Voiceless? The ambivalent
Institutionalization of Minorities ‘Alternative’ Media in Mexico and
Israel/Palestine”, in RIGONI I., SAITTA E. (eds.), /Minority Media in a
Globalized Public Space/, Palgrave, 2012, p. 135-152.
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PAVEAU M.-A., 2016, « Parler du burkini sans les concernées. De
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En ligne :
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*Organization* Two plenary lectures: confirmed: Philippe Artières,
historian, research director, CNRS, Interdisciplinary Institute of
Contemporary Anthropology. Communication format: 30 mn Two round
tables, with invited speakers-e-s *Languages:* French or English,
preferably with French support in the latter case. *Submission of
proposals* Proposals should include: Name (s) and first name (s) of
the author (s), Institutional Connection Title, summary of 2500
signs, including bibliography, 5 keywords They will be anonymized and
submitted to two evaluators of the Scientific Committee, who will be
particularly attentive to the articulation between the methodology used,
the theoretical framework and the nature of the empirical data studied.
They are to be sent in text format (.doc, .odt, .text or .rtf) to the
following address: (colloquesansvoix /at/ gmail.com)
<mailto:(colloquesansvoix /at/ gmail.com)> Participants will then be invited to
send a text of 20,000 signs for the 09/05/2018 *Calendar :* - Submission
of proposals for communication (title, abstract, institutional link) for
01/12/2017 - Notification of acceptance: 31/01/2018 - Sending of an
extended text: 09/05/2018 Registration fees, which will be indicated
during the first semester, will be borne by the participants. Steering
committee : Dominique Ducard, Benjamin Ferron, Emilie Born, Claire Oger
(UPEC, Céditec) Scientific Committee:
Sonia Branca-Rosoff (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, CLESTHIA)
Cécile Canut (Université Paris Descartes, CERLIS)
Dimitri Della Faille (Université du Québec en Outaouais, Cédim/GRICIS)
Vincent Dubois (Université de Strasbourg, SAGE)
Aude Gerbaud (Université Paris-Est Créteil, Céditec)
Corinne Gobin (Université libre de Bruxelles, GRAID)
Jacques Guilhaumou (CNRS, Triangle)
Frédéric Lambert (Université Paris 2, CARISM)
Joëlle Le Marec (Université Paris-Sorbonne, GRIPIC)
Ida Machado (Universidade federal de Minas Gerais, NAD)
Daniel Mouchard (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, ICEE)
Caroline Ollivier-Yaniv (Université Paris-Est Créteil, Céditec)
Julie Pagis (CNRS, CERAPS)
Marie-Anne Paveau (Université Paris 13, PLEIADE)
François Perea (Université Montpellier 3, Praxiling)
Alain Rabatel (Université Lyon 1, ICAR)
Juliette Rennes (EHESS, Cems)
Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University / Université de Vienne)
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