Archive for calls, May 2017

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[ecrea] CFP - CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

Tue May 09 08:46:49 GMT 2017

  CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

  Special Issue

  Belief in Contemporary Global Capitalism

  Deadline for submissions: 15 January 2018

/CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture///is planning a special issue on “Belief in Contemporary Global Capitalism”—an urgent issue in today's global capitalist world that requires more dialogue among scholars within and across disciplines. For this thematic issue, we emphasize the complexity of relations among three topics: belief, contemporary global capitalism, and subjectivity/consciousness. What belief systems emerge from, correspond to, or fit contemporary global capitalism? What specific beliefs serve as supplements to or even fuel the expansive global economy in our allegedly “post-ideological” era? How can today’s capitalist system be thriving on these either concomitant or counter-capitalist beliefs? In addition, how do today’s beliefs alter our relations to the other, to nature, and to the world? And how are some beliefs reshaping the notion of subjectivity and consciousness, affecting the way we think and feel? Most of all, what subjectivity might mean in the matrix of today’s belief and the disciplinary power of global capitalism?

Papers are invited to explore the intersections of belief, contemporary global capitalism, and subjectivity/consciousness. Papers are encouraged to examine not only literary works or film but also social media.

Corresponding to contemporary global capitalism, beliefs--religious, ideological, political, social, literary, scientific, or technological--include but are not limited to:

­­– Ecology: ecological crisis, organic food, green products

– New Age spiritualism: meditation, alternative medicine, astrological cycles, the Age of Aquarius

– Science and technology: cognitive science, artificial intelligence, big data

– Culture/politics: positive thinking, new materialism, identity categories (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation), fluid identity, cyborg, multitude, neo-liberalism

– Prefix “post-” terms: post-ideology, post-race, post-humanism, post-feminism (lipstick feminism, DIY feminism)

Please submit papers of 6000-7000 words by 15 January 2018 to Prof. Fu- Jen Chen at (fujen /at/ <mailto:(fujen /at/>. Papers should include an abstract of no more than 200 words and a works cited. For the style of the journal please consult

Articles published in the journal CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture are double-blind peer reviewed and indexed in the International Bibliography of the Modern Language Association of America, the Thomson Reuters ISI Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, etc.

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