Archive for calls, March 2016

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[ecrea] CFP "Media Studies: Reports and Papers"

Sun Mar 27 20:38:54 GMT 2016

Medienwissenschaft: Berichte und Papiere. / Media Studies: Reports and
Hrsg. v. / ed. by Jens Eder, Ludger Kaczmarek, & Hans J. Wulff.
Westerkappeln: 2015 ff.
ISSN 2366-6404. <URL:>.

Invitation to participate and Call for papers

Dear colleagues,

you may have heard or even made use of Berichte und Papiere for Media
Studies. For more than 15 years now, these Reports and Papers have been
gathering themed filmographies, bibliographies, research papers as well
as reference lists and manuals. There are no fixed publication dates but
published issues may be updated when considered necessary or useful.
All published issues can be accessed online only and are always free of

Each number of Berichte und Papiere elaborates on a special theme that
has proven significant and useful in scholarly work or in the planning
of seminars, lessons, talks etc. Curators and programmers of movie
series and film events may also be, and have been, interested, as well
as movie collectors and lovers of film looking for general reference
works.  There is an alphabetical Index providing easy and fast online

From 1999–2002 the series was installed at CAU –
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, moved to the
University of Hamburg for the years 2003-2014, and is now anchored at, Professor H.J. Wulff’s homepage and blog. In case you
come across a citation pointing you to an old Hamburg internet address,
you will be redirected automatically.

Since our move to the new site there have been published some new numbers:

165. 2016: Misswahlen und Schönheitswettbewerbe. // Pageants and Beauty
164. 2015: Musik im Animationsfilm. // Music in Cartoons and Animated Films.
163. 2015: Sterbehilfe. // Euthanasia.
162. 2015: Biopics. // Biopics.
161. 2015: Biopics der Unterhaltungsmusiker.  // Biopics of
Entertainment Musicians.
159. 2014: Béla Tarr.

Please feel invited to contribute to the project – which has garnered
some international renown – by sending in your reference lists and
working papers you consider useful for inclusion in the series. We aim
to make known rare and specialized filmographies and bibliographies to a
larger community of scholars and are interested in heavily researched
lists of films and specialized literature that otherwise go neglected in
qualification work or cannot be contained in your – or your doctoral
students’ – books, articles or project reports.

If you have corrections for or additions to the published issues or want
to propose new themes or titles (languages for texts and descriptions
may be German, English, French, Italian or Spanish) please write to one
of the editors at the following addresses:

Jens Eder ((jens.eder /at/;
Ludger Kaczmarek ((kacz /at/;
Hans J. Wulff ((hwulff /at/

Snail mail:
Prof. Dr. Hans J. Wulff, Lotter Str. 17, D-49492 Westerkappeln, Germany.

List of published issues (as of March 2016):

165. 2016: Misswahlen und Schönheitswettbewerbe. // Pageants and Beauty
164. 2015: Musik im Animationsfilm. // Music in Cartoons and Animated Films.
163. 2015: Sterbehilfe. // Euthanasia.
162. 2015: Biopics. // Biopics.
161. 2015: Biopics der Unterhaltungsmusiker.  // Biopics of
Entertainment Musicians.
159. 2014: Béla Tarr.
158. 2014: Finanzkrise. // Financial Crisis.
157. 2014: Filmmusik [Ergänzungen]. // Film Music [Additions].
156. 2014: Fernando Birri.
155. 2014: Altersheime im Film. // Retirement Homes in the Movies.
154. 2014: Schlagerfilm. // Schlager Movies.
153. 2014: Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung. // Kiel Contributions
to Film Music Research.
152. 2013: Quay Brothers.
151. 2013: Rock- und Popmusik im Film. // Rock Music and Pop Music in
the Movies.
150. 2013: Tierhorrorfilme. // Animal Horror Movies.
149. 2013: Stummfilmmusik. // Music in Silent Movies.
148. 2013: Theodor-Storm-Filme. // Movie Adaptations from the Work of
the German Writer Theodor Storm.
147. 2013: Japanische Monsterfilme. // Japanese Monster Movies. [in prep.]
146. 2013: Dinosaurierfilm. // Films with Dinosaurs.
145. 2012: Zwischentitel. // Intertitles.
144. 2012: Rockmusik im Film. // Rock Music in the Movies.
143. 2012: Telenovelas. // Telenovelas.
142. 2012: André de Toth.
141. 2012: Billy Wilder.
140. 2012: Tanz und Film. // Dance and Film.
139. 2012: Gillo Pontecorvo.
138. 2012: Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff.
137. 2012: Bären im Film. // Bears in the Movies.
136. 2012: André Téchiné.
135. 2012: Ladislaw Starewicz.
134. 2012: Schlagerforschung. // Research on Schlager Music.
133. 2012: Tierfilm. // Animals in the Movies.
132. 2012: BRD-Kriegsfilm der 1950er Jahre. // West German War Movies
from the 1950s.
131. 2012: Animationsfilm. // Animated Films.
130. 2012: Horrorfilm. // Horror Movies.
129. 2012: Oskar Fischinger.
128. 2011: Western. // Westerns.
127. 2011: Webserien. // Web Series.
126. 2011: F.W. Murnau.
125. 2011: BRD-Film der 1950er Jahre. // West German Movies from the 1950s.
124. 2011: Jan Svankmajer.
123. 2011: Tschechoslowakei. // History of Movies from Bohemia and
Czechoslovakia (1898-1990).
122. 2011: Mode im Film. // Fashion Movies.
121. 2011: Biker-Film. // Biker Movies.
120. 2011: Piratenfilm. // Pirate Movies.
119. 2011: Heimatfilm. // Sentimental Movies in Regional Settings.
118. 2011: Seymour Chatman.
117. 2011: Milos Forman.
116. 2011: Zigeuner/Roma im Film. // Gypsies in the Movies.
115. 2011: Beach-Party-Filme. // Beach Party Movies.
114. 2011: Rock‘n‘Roll-Film. //  Rock‘n‘Roll Movies.
113. 2011: Kinderfilm. // Childrens’ Films.
112. 2010: Fremdsprachenunterricht. // Movies and the Teaching of Languages.
111. 2010: Völkerschauen. // Ethnological Expositions.
110. 2010: Ken Russell.
109. 2010: Migration. // Migration.
108. 2010: Science-Fiction-Film. // Science Fiction Films.
107. 2010: The Truman Show (USA 1998).
106. 2010: Gefängnisfilm. // Prison Movies.
105. 2010: Terrorismus im Film. // Terrorism in the Movies.
104. 2010: Buch- und Werktitel. // Book, Film and Music Titles and Titling.
103. 2010: Remake. // Remakes.
102. 2010: Auslandskorrespondenten im Film. // Foreign Correspondents in
the Movies.
101. 2010: Dada / Dadaistischer Film. // Dada on Film.
100. 2009: Christian Metz.
99. 2009: Schrift im Film. // Writing in the Movies.
98. 2009: Jan Marie Lambert Peters.
97. 2009: Filmtherapie. // Cinema Therapy.
96. 2009: Wissenschaftsfilm. // Scientific Film.
95. 2009 [2013]: Komponisten im Film. // Music Composers in the Movies.
94. 2009: Stanley Cavell.
93. 2009: Rockumentaries. // Rockumentaries.
92. 2009: Ken Loach.
91. 2008: Filmfestivals. // Film Festivals.
90. 2008: Figuren im Film. // Figures and Characters in Film.
89. 2008: Filmphilosophie. // Film Philosophy.
88. 2008: Noël Carroll.
87. 2008: Filmmusik. // Film Music.
86. 2008: Hilfsmittel der Filmmusik-Forschung. // Film Music Research
85. 2008: Filmmusik-Zeitschriften. // Film Music Journals.
84. 2008: Sandalenfilme. // Sword and Sandal Movies.
83. 2007: Fanzines. // Fanzines.
82. 2007: Überlange Filme. // Overlong Films.
81. 2007: Abkürzungen. // Abbreviations.
80. 2007: Jazz im Film. // Jazz Movies.
79. 2007: Filmtitel. // Long Film Titles.
78. 2007: Simultanprojektion. // Simultaneous Projection Systems.
77. 2007: Komponisten im Film. // Music Composers in the Movies.
76. 2007: Neue Wellen in Ost- und Südosteuropa. // ‘New Waves’ in East
and Southeast Europe.
75. 2007: Spin-Offs. // Spin-offs.
74. 2007: John Huston.
73. 2007: Film und Geschichte. // Film and History.
72. 2007: Dissertationen des Films. // German Doctoral Theses on Cinema
71. 2007: Musik in Hitchcock-Filmen. // Music in the Films of Alfred
70. 2007: Mehrsprachige Wörterbücher des Films. // Multilanguage
Dictionaries on Cinema.
69. 2007. Melodrama. // Melodramas.
68. 2007: Musical. // Musicals.
67. 2007: Digitales Kino. // Digital Cinema.
66. 2007: Sexualität und Pornographie im Film. // Sex and Pornography on
65. 2006: Andreas Dresen.
64. 2006: Alzheimer-Krankheit im Film. // Alzheimer’s Desease on Film.
63. 2006: Lolita. // Lolita.
62. 2006: Alfred Hitchcocks publizistische Arbeiten. // Alfred
Hitchcock’s Journalistic Work.
61. 2006: Alfred Hitchcock: Hitchcocks Filme. // The Films of Alfred
60. 2006: Alfred Hitchcock: Artikel zum Hitchcock Touch. // Work on the
‘Hitchcock Touch’.
59. 2006: Antikriegsfilm. // Anti-War Films.
58. 2006: Deutsche Filmpublizistik der 1990er Jahre. // German Film
Journalism of the 1990s.
57. 2006: Robert Altman.
56. 2006: Rauchen im Film. // Smoking on Film.
55. 2010 [2014]: Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium (FFK) -
54. 2003: Rechtsmedizin, Gerichtsmedizin, forensische Medizin in Film
und Fernsehen. // Forensics on Film and TV.
53. 2003: Journalismus und Presse im Film. // Journalism and the Media
in the Movies.
52. 2003: Queer Theory / Queer Studies. // Queer Theory / Queer Studies.
51. 2003: Filmtitel. // Movie Titles.
50. 2003: Screwball Comedy. //  Screwball Comedies.
49. 2003: Klonieren / Humanklonieren. // Cloning on Film.
48. 2003: Hexenfilm. // Witches in the Movies.
47. 2003: Montage. // Film Editing.
46. 2003: Sandalenfilme. // Sword and Sandal Films.
45. 2003: Spannung / Suspense. // Suspense.
44. 2003: Abenteuer. // Adventure Movies.
43. 2003: Südsee. // The South Seas in the Movies.
42. 2003: Spannung / Suspense. // Suspense: Bibliography.
41. 2003: Alfred Hitchcock.
40. 2003: Parasoziale Interaktion. // Parasocial Interaction: Bibliography.
39. 2003: Umschalten / Zapping. // Zapping.
38. 2003: Genre. // Genre.
37. 2003: Tzvetan Todorov.
36. 2003: Formalismus und Film. // Formalism in Cinema.
35. 2003: Vincente Minnelli.
34. 2003: Stars und Starsysteme. // Film Stars and Star Systems.
33. 2003: Empathie und Filmverstehen. // Empathy and Comprehension of Films.
32. 2003: Star Trek: Bibliographie. // Star Trek Bibliography.
31. 2003: Jirí Menzel.
30. 2003: Alfred Hitchcock.
29. 2003: Dokumentarfilme zur Psychiatrie. // Documentaries on Psychiatry.
28. 2003: Neoformalistische Filmanalyse und -theorie. // Neoformalist
Film Analysis and Theory.
27. 2003: Wetterberichterstattung. // Weather Reports: A Working
26. 2003: TV-Spielfilm. // Television Movies.
25. 2003: Amnesie im Film. // Amnesia in the Movies.
24. 2003: Parasoziale Interaktion.  // Parasocial Interaction.
23. 2003: Fussball in Film und Fernsehen. // Football on Film and TV.
22. 2003: Sportfilm / Sport und Medien. // Sports on Film.
21. 2003: Filmanalyse. // Film Analysis.
20. 2003: Epilepsie im Film. // Epilepsy in the Movies.
19. 2003: Journalismus und Presse im Film. // Journalism and the Media
in the Movies.
18. 2003: Bibliographien des Fernsehens. // Bibliographies of Television
17. 2003: Sound. // Sound.
16. 2003: Spionagefilm. // Spy Movies.
15. 2003: Farbe. // Color.
14. 2003: Medienlinguistik. // Media Linguistics.
13. 2003: Fernsehunterhaltung / Fernsehshows. // TV Shows.
12. 2003: Kultivierungshypothese / Cultivation Hypothesis. //
Cultivation Hypothesis.
11. 2003: James Dean.
10. 2003: Montage. // Film Editing.
9. 2003: Filmlicht. // Light and Lighting.
8. 2003: Traumdarstellung in Film und Literatur. // Dream Scenes on Film
and in Literature.
7. 2003: Römische Geschichte. // Histories of Rome.
6. 2003: Serien nach Romanen von Georges Simenon. // Series based on the
novels of Georges Simenon.
5. 2003: Filme nach Romanen von Georges Simenon. // Films based on the
novels of Georges Simenon.
4. 2003: Alkoholismus und Drogenmißbrauch. // Alcoholism and Substance
Misuse on Film.
3. 2003: Screwball Comedy. // Screwball Comedies.
2. 2003: Arzt- und Krankenhausserien. // Medical Doctors and Hospitals
in Series.
1. 2003: Psychiatrie im Film. // Psychiatry on Film.

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