Archive for calls, June 2013

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[ecrea] CfP: Workshop on Methods in HCI-Research

Sat Jun 15 13:42:52 GMT 2013


*Extended Call for Papers*
*Mensch & Computer 2013 - Workshop:
"Methodological Approaches to HCI"
Bremen (Germany), 08.09.2013*

Designing and evaluating interactive systems requires knowledge about the actual interaction processes that evolve during HCI. Acquiring this knowledge, however, is a matter of an adequate methodological approach that enables researchers to answer specific questions in certain contexts that frame the interaction between the user and interactive systems.

With the aim to discuss the adequacy of different methodological strategies, we are going to hold a workshop at Mensch & Computer 2013 (M&C) about "Methodological Approaches to HCI". The workshop will serve as a platform for focused discussions about current interdisciplinary research projects that aim to design or evaluate various interactive systems (computers, robots, virtual agents). We therefore encourage graduate and postgraduate students to submit an extended abstract concerning their current methodological issues in HCI research.

Submission Guidelines and full CfP:
Abstratcs w *5.000 - 8.000 characters until 24.06.2013* via mail

Andreas Bischof & Benny Liebold
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg CrossWorlds
Technische Universität Chemnitz
Thüringer Weg 11, 09126 Chemnitz

(andreas.bischof /at/ <mailto:(andreas.bischof /at/>
(benny.liebold /at/ <mailto:(benny.liebold /at/>

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