Archive for calls, June 2013

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[ecrea] CFP: Mediating Post-Socialist Femininties

Thu Jun 06 17:52:50 GMT 2013


Mediating Post-Socialist Femininities

Edited by: Nadia Kaneva, University of Denver
(Vol. 15, No. 1, February 2015)

The particular challenges presented by post-socialist women’s experiences offer an opportunity to revisit some of the received knowledges and trajectories of feminist scholarship and to raise new questions about the changing nature of feminism as a political and a theoretical project with many faces.  This special issue seeks to provide a forum for innovative, feminist media scholarship on women’s experiences, struggles, and identities as they intersect with media production, distribution, and consumption in the post-socialist context.  The issue will focus specifically on research that explores gender and mediation in relation to the geographic regions of Central and Eastern Europe (including the Balkans) and the former Soviet Union.

The following questions suggest some, though not all, directions for inquiry that will be of interest for this issue:
•	What is the role of media and of mediation, as a broader cultural process, in the lived experiences and struggles of post-socialist women?
•	How have post-socialist women engaged with media as media producers and consumers, as well as objects of media representation?
•	What is the significance of rapid and spectacular commodification of mediated femininities in the post-socialist context and beyond?
•	How does the female body serve as a battleground for the enactment and renegotiation of gendered identities in the post-socialist context?
•	How can we understand and theorize women’s protest and activist movements in the post-socialist cultural space?
•	How can research on the mediation of post-socialist femininities inform broader, transnational concerns about feminism as a political and a theoretical project?

This issue seeks to include a range of methodologies and sites for the examination of post-socialist femininities and their mediation.  Studies that go beyond textual analyses of media representations and conceive of gendered mediation as a broader cultural process are particularly encouraged.  Theoretical discussions related to this issue’s key questions are also welcome.

Abstracts of 350-words should be submitted to Dr. Nadia Kaneva at:(nkaneva /at/  no later than July 15, 2013. A more detailed version of this CFP can be downloaded at:

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