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[ecrea] The R@dio Conference - call for papers

Thu Nov 25 15:54:39 GMT 2010

>*From the Listener to the e-listener: Multimedia Radio*
>Abstract submission: December 30th, 2010
>Acceptance notification: mid January, 2011
>Full Papers: March 1st, 2011
>The R@dio Conference, organized by CAPP at Institute of Political and Socia=
>Sciences (CAPP/ISCSP) invites participation in its 2nd annual conference.
>The theme of this year's conference encourages the submission of
>presentations on:
>- The sense of community in music and radio
>- Community radio and radio alternatives: business models, frequencies and
>- Online music communities, innovative online experiences with music and
>artists, social media and community radio.
>- Branding, music and radio
>- Analyzing live music and branding opportunities; music on social networks=
>social gathering through music;
>- Online radio social networking platforms, microblogging, platforms and
>audio/music communities;
>- Innovative communities (case studies).
>- Audience studies, survey strategies and online metrics
>- Technology as a powerful tool to find and track audiences; social media
>metrics, ethnographical methods, visualizations, etc.
>- From the spot and the banner to user-generated content: advertising and
>branded content
>- Product placement and branded content as a global tendency; analyzing new
>compelling promotional formats.
>*Submission Format*
>R@dio is an English-speaking international conference and all abstracts mus=
>be submitted in English.
>The abstract length can be up to 500 words.
>All abstracts will be reviewed according to the following criteria: the
>research question, justification of topic of research and relevance,
>description of method, originality, the summary of the results.
>Please use the following template for your abstract submission (one
>paragraph for each criteria and include the keywords in the beginning of
>each paragraph):
>Research Question:
>-Justification of topic of research:
>-Methods & Relevance:
>-Summary of results:
>Incomplete abstracts with respect to the formal criteria above are likely t=
>rejected. Presentations in the tracks last 15 minutes followed by moderated
>*Review Process*
>All abstracts are scored in a double blind peer reviewing system by The
>R@dio Conference Scientific Committee according to the criteria mentioned i=
>the submission format.
>The Scientific Committee is in charge of the final decisions based on the
>The Scientific Committee members for R@dio 2011 are:
>-Paula Cordeiro - Institute of Political and Social Sciences, Portugal
>-S=F3nia Sebasti=E3o - Institute of Political and Social Sciences, Portugal
>-Gustavo Cardoso - ISCTE, Portugal
>-Francisco Rui C=E1dima - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
>-Rog=E9rio Santos - Universidade Cat=F3lica de Lisboa, Portugal
>-Brian O' Neill - Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
>-Guy Starkey - University of Sunderland, UK
>-Stanislaw Jedrzejewski - Communication and Societies Study Centre of
>University of Minho/Kozminski University of Warsaw
>-Angeliki Gazi - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
>-Jean-Jacques Cheval - Universit=E9 de Bordeaux, France
>-Peter Lewis - London Metropolitan University, UK
>The program committee invites presenters from the private sector,
>government, regulators and academia.
>The quality is maintained by a double blind peer reviewing system.
>*The R@dio Conference is innovative in all aspects. Theme, structure and
>-This theme has never been approached in any congress, neither national nor
>-It comes from a new concept which gives the title to the congress: R@dio;
>-Online platforms will be used to bring together guests and participants,
>through video-conference and online transmissions;
>-There will be permanent updates in social networks: Facebook and Twitter
>-Record of the proceedings will be made available in e-book form, as well a=
>podcasts of all the sessions.
>*The purpose of the Conference:*
>-To bring together professionals and researchers
>-To present successful cases, radio, music and internet related strategies
>-To discuss strategies for the future of radio, music  and the Internet
>The program for the congress is organized in three distinct areas, with a
>structure of debates and talks:
>-The digital strategies of radio and the music industry
>-The future of radio and music in the Internet
>-Multimedia convergence as a technical and human challenge
>  This congress will bring together professionals from various areas of the
>media, academics and students from the major universities with courses in
>communication both from Portugal and abroad.
>*Contact Details*
>  Conference website, programme
>  Abstract submission, workshops: (radioresearch /at/
>*Important Dates*
>1. Abstract submission: December 30th, 2010
>2. Preliminary program: available by mid November, 2010
>3. Early registration: January, 2011
>4. Deadline for presentation upload: March 01, 2011
>* Full Papers or presentations submitted after March 01, 2011 will be
>excluded from the final programme.
>We look forward to receiving your abstract submission.
>Please send your proposal to (radioresearch /at/, mentioning "CALL
>FOR PAPERS - R@dio"
>Paula Cordeiro
>*R@dio em Congresso*
>*Scientific Coordinator (Paula Cordeiro)* (pcordeiro /at/
>*Press/Media Inquiries (David Monteiro)* (gabinete.comunicacao /at/
>Gabinete 50 | Piso 0**
>213600409 | 919225535 | 966206615
>[image: log=F3tipo-ISCSP]
>=A9 Instituto Superiorde Ci=EAncias Sociais e Pol=EDticas
>Universidade T=E9cnica de Lisboa

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