Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Masculinity and Popular Culture CFP

Tue Nov 23 11:38:28 GMT 2010

Masculinity and Popular Culture

Postgraduate Conference

Hosted by Film Studies at the University of Southampton with support from the MeCCSA-PGN and the ADM-HEA.

Saturday 4th March 2011

This one-day postgraduate conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for postgraduate students and early career researchers to discuss images of masculinity in popular culture, including literary fiction, cinema, television, radio, theatre, and music, and journalism. We welcome proposals from a range of theoretical perspectives and encourage submissions from researchers across the humanities and social sciences. Submissions of abstracts of 250-300 words for papers of 20 minutes in length are invited and participants will be invited to submit their papers to be considered for publication in the MeCCSA-PGN journal Networking Knowledge.

Possible topics for papers include, but are by no means limited to:

? Audio-visual or written representations of masculinity and the male body ? Representations of significant male figures, historical or fictional, within popular culture
?       Masculine archetypes or stereotypes
?       The masculine authorial voice within narrative art forms
? Modes and traditions of masculinity specific to particular ethnic or national groups

Abstracts should be submitted via email to Victoria Kearley (vlk204 /at/ by 1st January 2011.

Victoria Kearley
Outreach Officer, MeCCSA-PGN
PhD Candidate in Film, University of Southampton

(vlk204 /at/

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