Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CfP: FILM AND MEDIA 2011: The First Annual London Film and Media Conference

Fri Nov 12 23:20:29 GMT 2010

The First Annual London Film and Media Conference
12-14 July 2011, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Call for Papers

Papers are now being accepted from around the world for FILM AND MEDIA 2011: The First Annual London Film and Media Conference. FILM AND MEDIA 2011 will explore, celebrate and critique the screen-based traditions of Film, Television, and Digital Media. For full details, see Conference website at The agenda for the launch conference will be defined by the interests of the inaugural cohort of Speakers. Proposals for Papers are welcomed on any relevant aspect of global Film and Media, including (but not restricted to) the array of themes below.

Conference Themes

authorship & production â?? national cinemas â?? film history â?? film economics â?? independent cinema â?? the archive â?? distribution and exhibition â?? film history â?? film theory â?? spectatorship â?? narrativity â?? social representation â?? A-V communication â?? TV, commerce & public service broadcasting â?? the role of advertising â?? TV & popular culture â?? the politics of TV â?? TV & the State â?? TV realities â?? TV fictions â?? media audiences â?? media identities: age, class, gender, race, nation â?? media ethics â?? regulation & censorship â?? media literacy â?? media education â?? social media â?? media & the family â?? convergence â?? cybergeography â?? practices of new media â?? the digital imaginary â?? virtuality and its discontents â?? knowledge, learning & education in the digital era

To Submit Your Proposal

To offer a Paper, please complete the form available on the LONDON FILM AND MEDIA 2011 website at, or write to us at (mail /at/ We require an Abstract (strictly 200-250 words) together with a short CV (not more than 100 words) plus full contact details. Please enter all relevant information in the body of the form or Email ­ to simplify our administration, kindlly do not send attachments.

Our Response

Proposals are considered on a rolling basis, and a formal response is provided within two weeks. The Final Deadline for Proposals is 1 March 2011, but early submission is strongly advised. The Conference is on-residential. Fee scale (to be confirmed): £100-£150. Registration opens Spring 2011.

Twin Conferences

FILM AND MEDIA 2011 runs in parallel (same dates, same venue) with
LONDONICITY 2011: The First Annual London Studies Conference.
See for details.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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