Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] IVSA Conference 2011 - Call for Panels

Fri Nov 12 07:36:35 GMT 2010

IVSA 2011
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, July 6-8

Visual Research as a Collaborative and Participatory Practice is the theme of the 2011 IVSA Conference. Considering visual research as collaborative and participatory suggests new ways of working together, and offers opportunities to think produc­tively about alternative inquiry practices, analytical frames, and dissemination possibilities. The theme draws attention to the complex, contradictory, and constantly negotiated networks of relations that constitutes visual research, and it offers an opportunity to reengage with sensation, memory, and perception in visual research inquiries and dissemination practices.

We invite panel proposals that:

Explore and theorize visual research as a collaborative and participatory practice

Consider the methodological and ethical challenges that collaboration and participation present.

Provide examples of how visual researchers worked collaboratively with individuals from a range of subject and locational positions within the academy and elsewhere.

Explore visual methodological approaches including photo-elicitation, reflexive photography, photo novella, photovoice, participatory video methods, video diaries, etc.

Problematize issues of power, ownership, legitimization, and accountability in visual research

Pursue social justice agendas through the use of visual intervention, art intervention, or participatory research

Explore participatory or collaborative affordances of digital media forms

Interrogate strategies for decolonizing analysis and reporting processes

1. Panel proposals must include a title and a short abstract of 300 words. Panel proposals should also include a short biography (50 words maximum). Anticipated technical requirements should be noted. 2. Panel proposals must be submitted via email to <mailto:(submissions /at/>(submissions /at/ with the subject heading: IVSA 2011 Panel Proposal. For those who wish to fax proposals, please fax them to Dr. Donal O?Donoghue at +1- 604-822-4714. The closing date for panel submissions is December 10, 2010. 3. Notification of accepted panels will appear on the IVSA website along with the call for individual papers on December 20, 2010. As has been the case in previous years, space will be held in the program for the presentation of work that does not necessarily intersect with the conference theme, but that is nonetheless important to the field. Thus, both panel and paper proposals that fall outside of the 2011 theme are welcomed and will be given equal consideration. 4. Travel and accommodation information for the conference will be posted on the IVSA website. At UBC, we offer a wide range of private or shared accommodation options. In the meantime, the following tourist site provides some basic visitor information and features a nice little ?day in the life? video presentation: <>

5. Please do not hesitate to direct any general questions you may have regarding the upcoming conference to <mailto:(info /at/>(info /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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