Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Conference (Re)Making and Undoing of Peace/Conflict

Wed Nov 10 19:03:20 GMT 2010

(Re)Making and Undoing of Peace/Conflict

The Center of Research and Communication for Peace in the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies at Eastern Mediterranean University invites paper, panel, and event proposals addressing the general theme of "(Re)Making and Undoing of Peace/Conflict." The Third International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, which will be held at the EMU facilities in Famagusta, North Cyprus between 11-13 April 2012, aims at bringing together scholars to present their research and exchange ideas in a wide range of topics which is listed at the call for papers.

Call for Papers

Third International Conference in Communication and Media Studies:
(Re)Making and Undoing of Peace/Conflict

Dates of the Conference:        11-13 April 2012
Abstract Submission deadline:    9 May 2011
Abstract approval notification:    18 July 2011
Submission of full papers:    6 February 2012

Venue: <>Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
Center of Research and Communication for Peace
<>Eastern Mediterranean University
Famagusta, North Cyprus

The Center of Research and Communication for Peace in the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies at Eastern Mediterranean University invites paper, panel, and event proposals addressing the general theme of ?(Re)Making and Undoing of Peace/Conflict.? The Third International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, which will be held at the EMU facilities in Famagusta, North Cyprus between 11-13 April 2012, aims at bringing together scholars to present their research and exchange ideas in a wide range of topics under the general theme including but not limited to:
?    Peace is love/Love and peace/loving peace
?    Peace as a process, not a fixed state
?    Maintenance of peace/conflict: Regulating conflict/Policing peace
?    Media/Communication pedagogies for peace
?    The mediatized life of peace/conflict
?    Mapping media: Ownership and editorial control in conflict zones
? Throwing stones at glass ceilings: Naming and shaming gender inequalities in the media
?    Usage of the new media in peace/conflict activities
?    Technologies for/of peace
?    Methods and methodologies in peace-making
?    Methods and methodologies of peace journalism
?    Remembering or forgetting for peace
?    Forgiveness, justice and peace
?    Cosmopolitanism and forgiveness
?    Documentary: Film as remembering?
?    Filming/forgetting the scene
?    The past remains, mourn for today
?    Truth and reconciliation
?    Dialogue and the dialogic of self-other relations
?    Politics of difference, politics of identity, politics of friendship
?    Identity politics versus politics of affinity
? Ethical responsibility: Responding to the otherness of the other as well as to the otherness-within ? Ethnocentrism and its different forms like racism, sexism, nationalism, orientalism, agism.
?    Epistemic violence and its role in the perpetration of physical violence.
?    Excommunicating the other-within, xenophobia
?    Hospitality: Conditional and unconditional
?    Hosting immigrants
?    Hostility toward different others, xenophobia
?    Hospitality and hostility of citizenship
?    Media representations of the consumer-citizen
?    Globalization, peace, and cosmopolitanism
?    The ?New International?
?    Dissociation of identity: The originality of representation and mediation
?    Step-Mothertongue
?    Human-animal dissociation
?    Youth in cultures-in-conflict

The language of our international conference will be both English and Turkish.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 11 April 2011. Please send your abstracts (not more Than 250 words) through <>

The deadline for submitting full papers is 06 February 2012.

Submissions are subject to blind peer review at every stage. Abstracts and papers will be accessible to all participants on the conference web site once the complete program is set.

Do not hesitate to contact  us if you have any question
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