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[ecrea] CFP First Circular --- Topographies of 'Turkish cinema': Hybrids,

Fri Oct 29 13:02:51 GMT 2010

>CFP First Circular --- Topographies of 'Turkish cinema': Hybrids,
>  hyphens and borders ---
>International Conference**
>=C4=B0zmir University of Economics, Department of Media and Communication
>=C4=B0zmir / Turkey
>21-22 April 2011
>*First Circular*
>Over the past few decades the concept of national cinema has become a hotly
>debated topic. The global circulation of cultures, finances, people and
>commodities has come to render impossible the delegation of fixed national
>affiliations to films, filmmakers and audiences. Furthermore, as a more
>recent development, the way films are being produced/co-produced,
>distributed and consumed are now raising new questions for, and requiring
>new vocabularies from film, scholars. When we look at the literature in thi=
>area the concept of national cinema is being contested increasingly. At the
>heart of these discussions we encounter notions such as transnationalism,
>globalization, diaspora, migration, post-nationalism, hybridity, exile,
>post-colonialism etc. Interestingly, with a few exceptions, the literature
>on Turkish cinema seems to have missed, or at best neglected, these
>The* Topographies of =E2=80=98Turkish Cinema=E2=80=99* conference is intend=
>ed to be an
>intervention into these issues, aiming to shed light on Turkey-related
>films, filmmakers and audiences. There are approximately four million
>Turkey-related migrants living in western European countries, and many
>filmmakers with links to Turkey dispersed around the world, producing films
>that portray hybrid, diasporic subjectivities and experiences. These
>audiences, films and filmmakers are forging new transcultural fields, which
>scholars and critics of Turkish Cinema have yet to properly engage with. Th=
>* Topographies of =E2=80=98Turkish Cinema=E2=80=99* conference will bring t=
>filmmakers, researchers and academics to initiate a discussion that
>probletamises the concept of what =E2=80=98Turkish Cinema=E2=80=99 might be=
>. Within this
>context the position of Turkey-related filmmakers, films and audiences will
>be reconsidered and the impact of its cinema on diasporic/transnational
>viewers will be scrutinized.
>Below is a non exhaustive list of topics and themes around which interested
>film scholars, filmmakers and cinema professionals may give their
>presentations. The list is intended to be a guide; we are open to papers on
>topics other than the ones listed below as well.
>=C2=B7       Films and their nationalities
>=C2=B7       Hyphenated identities, belongings and films
>=C2=B7       Theorizing the concepts of *nationality*, *transnationalism,
>migrant, exilic* and *diasporic* within the scope of Turkish cinema
>=C2=B7       Rethinking conventional vocabulary used for stereotyping parti=
>films, filmmakers and audiences (T=C3=BCrk as=C4=B1ll=C4=B1/Turkish-origine=
>gurbet=C3=A7i/expatriate etc.) =E2=80=93 their contestations
>=C2=B7       Film as a bridge/breach between host/guest cultures and societ=
>=C2=B7       Migratory filmmakers - their biographies, cinemas and films
>=C2=B7       Non-conventional migrants/migrations: exiles, sojourners, etc.
>=C2=B7       Films and audiences
>=C2=B7       Short and documentary films
>=C2=B7       Migratory Turkish filmmaking as a transnational industry.
>(Distribution, co-production, etc.)
>=C2=B7       Celebrities and spectacles of diasporic/transnational Turkish =
>=C2=B7       Screening of Turkish films abroad and their reception among
>audiences (theatres, premieres, festivals)
>Abstracts of up to 400 words can be sent to (gokcen.karanfil /at/ or
>(serkan.savk /at/ The abstracts should include the full name,
>institutional affiliation (if any) and the contact information of the
>author(s) along with an e-mail address. The deadline for abstract submissio=
>is the 10th of December 2010. There will be a registration fee of 50 Euros
>for those presenting a paper. The language of the conference will be
>English. Each presenter will have 20 minutes to present her/his work.
>As a parallel project to the *Topographies of =E2=80=98Turkish Cinema=E2=80=
>=99* conference,
>we are planning to publish an edited collection which will include selected
>papers from the conference presentations. Those who are interested in
>contributing to this collection with their articles will need to send in th=
>drafts of their full papers by the 1st of April 2011.
>*Important dates*
>*Deadline for abstract submission*: 10 December 2010
>*Notification of acceptance:* 20 December 2010
>*Registration opens:* 15 January 2011
>*Deadline for full paper drafts:* 1 April 2011(for those who wish to
>contribute to the edited book project)
>*Registration ends:* 8 April 2011
>*Conference days:* 21-22 April 2011
>* *
>*Organizing committee*
>Burak Do=C4=9Fu
>Assist. Prof. Dr. Ebru Uzuno=C4=9Flu
>Assist. Prof. Dr. G=C3=B6k=C3=A7en Karanfil
>Serkan =C5=9Eavk
>Prof. Dr. Sevda Alanku=C5=9F
>*Academic Advisory Board*
>Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet G=C3=BCrata (Bilkent University)
>Assist. Prof. Dr. Ashley Carruthers (Australian National University)
>Assist. Prof. Dr. David J. Gramling (University of Arizona)
>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nejat Ulusay (Ankara University)
>Prof. Dr. Nezih Erdo=C4=9Fan (=C4=B0stanbul Bilgi University)
>Prof. Dr. Robert Cardullo (=C4=B0zmir University of Economics)
>You can reach further details regarding the conference through the website
>located at
>Please don=E2=80=99t hesitate to contact the Conference Organizing Committe=
>e through
>the following e-mails should you have any questions.
>(serkan.savk /at/
>(gokcen.karanfil /at/

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