Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Asian Cultural Studies Conference 2011 call for papers

Mon Oct 25 08:01:57 GMT 2010

>ACCS 2011 - The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies
>Organized by the International Academic Forum
>23 to 25 March 2011
>Osaka, Japan
>Conference Programme Adviser: Sue Jackson (Birkbeck, University of London)
>Call for papers: Deadline December 1 2010
>The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies will offer a rich diversity of
>academic and cultural activity in the fantastically stimulating context of
>Japan, and in one of the world's great cities. Come and join us in Osaka for
>what promises to be a culturally stimulating, challenging and exciting event.
>The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies encourages participants from a range
>of inter/disciplinary and theoretical perspectives, including but 
>not limited to:
>Cultural studies, Sociology, Critical race theory, Social criticism, Queer
>theory, Gender studies, feminist theory, Black feminism, Media studies, Visual
>culture, Cultural geography, Cultural history, Political theory, Orientalism,
>Critical legal studies, Education, Political philosophy.
>The theme for the conference will be 'Brave New World', and Professor Sue
>Jackson, conference program adviser for ACCS 2011, has identified the
>following sub-themes, that are sure to excite interesting interpretations and
>Post/colonial or trans/colonial?, Transformations of self and place, Beyond
>boundaries?,  Difference, diversity, plurality, Cultural re/constructions,
>Politics and power, Ideologies of culture, Queer Theory.
>For more information, please visit the conference website:
>For inquiries: (accs /at/
>Please note that IAFOR's Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2011 will be
>held alongside the Asian Conference on Asian Studies. Registrants for either
>ACCS 2011 or ACAS 2011 will allow attendees the option of attending sessions
>in the other conference without charge.

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