Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Interfaces - Postgraduate Research Workshop and Exhibition

Fri Oct 08 13:35:05 GMT 2010

University of Exeter, Department of English

Interfaces: encounters beyond the page / screen / stage

1 Day Postgraduate Research Workshop and Exhibition, 29th January 2011

Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Dr Judith Buchanan (University of York)

Funded by the AHRC Beyond Text Student-led Initiative Scheme

VISIT THE EVENT BLOG @:  www.interfaces -beyond-



This innovative multidisciplinary research training event examines questions of mediation and memory in

encounters with non-textual archival materials in the arts. By creating dialogues between postgraduates and

experienced researchers, and featuring practical sessions with curators and archivists, the research workshop

seeks to investigate issues that take the researcher beyond the text in the investigation of objects and

artefacts that constitute non-textual interfaces between film, literature and theatre.


Participating speakers and delegates will attend a central workshop event in the University’s Bill Douglas

Centre for the History of Cinema and Popular Culture and Exeter’s Special Collections, where a hands-on

exploration of key filmic and literary non-textual materials will be led by the curators of these archives.


Abstract for 20 minute papers are welcomed on the following core panel themes from

postgraduates across the arts disciplines in drama, literature, film, performing arts, visual culture and modern languages:


Performativity : transitory forms created by performance and performativity; improvisation and the

play script; the body in play; performance and photographs/stills; the critical interpretation of

ephemera; the incorporation of non-print ephemera into academic scholarship; mediations between

public interest and critical histories surrounding popular artefacts; the function of stage props


Beyond ‘Adaptation’: mediations involved in processes of adaptation across disciplines / media; the

creation and sustenance of ‘media memories’ in repeated adaptation


Forms of Engagement: creative forms which overlap across the arts­such as illustrations, sound

recordings, and poetic readings; the translation and migration of theatrical, literary and filmic

heritages into business practices; non-narrative auto/biographical sites


Production History: the exploration of how plays have been ‘framed’ in discussion, presentation

and analysis across their history; exploring the relationship between "text" and "performance"


Digital Cultures: the impact of digitization upon the archival ‘text’; the impact of new digital media

upon process of memory / memorial; multimedia practices and presentations


Rethinking archives: how archives destabilize notions of ‘text’ / the search for archival authorial

‘presence’; archival silences; notions of the archive as performance; questions of authority

surrounding pre-texts / printed texts; challenges encountered in recreating draft manuscripts; the

impact of ‘anecdotal’ archival material


We strongly encourage speakers to present the ‘beyond text’ materials of their research in

a multi-media format, bringing evidence of cornerstone non-textual examples­sound clip

/ manuscript image / artwork etc.


Please submit 300 word abstracts for 20 minute papers to Lisa Stead ((lrs204 /at/ and Jennifer

Barnes ((jab228 /at/ Suggestions for panels of 3 speakers for any of the given core panel themes are also welcomed.

Supporting work for the Interfaces Exhibition is very much welcomed!
The Interfaces event welcomes the submission of artwork, photography and
imagery for a temporary exhibition representing, replicating or reflecting upon
key non-textual archival materials, objects and images in the arts.
The exhibition of this work will accompany the Interfaces research event, and
offer an interactive counterpart to the workshop. We strongly encourage
presenting delegates to submit items to this exhibit, but we also welcome non-presenting delegates to submit proposals for exhibition pieces, themed
around non-textual encounters in postgraduate research and practice across
the disciplines of drama, literature and film.
Exhibition proposals might include the following:
Large scale single/collections of images
The Interfaces committee will replicate these in high-quality print poster
form. Examples of items might include replica posters, postcards,
photos, stamps, prints, artworks etc.
Original artwork
Inspired by ‘beyond text’ issues in research / artistic interpretations of
research themes.
Original photography
Examples: documenting the research process or archive visits /
photographs of beyond text objects that tell a story about the
researcher or specific methodologies.
Moving images
These might include cinematic film clips (to be looped on exhibition and
accompanied by explanatory text) / original short films or clips / footage
of archival practice / montage of beyond text materials / clips
illuminating beyond text devices or materials­e.g. optical toys,
animations from such devices etc. / footage of performances / footage
relating to production history.
Displayed objects
Key non-textual research objects (if they can be temporarily spared for
display!)­e.g. newspapers / playbills / magazines / marketing
materials / stage props (or replicated versions of these).
We have a small fund to assist in the high quality presentation of these
objects and original creations, and will provide AV exhibition and printing for
art and photography.
Please submit samples and/or exhibit project outlines with brief supporting
notes to Lisa Stead ((lrs204 /at/ and Jennifer Barnes
((jab228 /at/ Deadline: November 1st, 2010.

Phil Wickham
The Bill Douglas Centre for the History of Cinema and Popular Culture
University of Exeter
Old Library
Prince of Wales Road
01392 724321
(P.J.Wickham /at/

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